
JAKARTA - The issue of Virgoun and Inara Rusli's household is getting wider. Not only the affair that was revealed, the statement of Virgoun's mother, Eva Manurung also made the problem even more complicated.

Most recently, Eva satirized Inara Rusli who provided a quota of Rp. 2.7 million by the mother of three children. According to him, the money was not enough to finance his life while living in Jakarta.

When he was a guest star in the morning and in Ambyar, Eva Manurung complained that she was only given Rp2,750,000 in monthly money. For him, Inara's money was not enough for his capital to live in the capital city.

"When we live in Jakarta, it's enough, isn't it 2.7 million, there are no wara-wiri vehicles to go here and there, to eat to pay is enough, don't you think?" he said.

Then, Rian Ibrahim replied and said that IDR 2.7 million depended on the needs. However, Eva Manurung felt that her life needs were large and she was not enough to be given IDR 2.7 million per month.

"Isn't it 100 meters in your opinion? Is there a lot of work outside? Is it socializing outside of me," he said.

Eva emphasized that the monthly money sent by Inara Rusli was Rp. 2.7 million.

"2,750,000 per month, which sends Inara," he added.

The statement was then re-uploaded on several gossip accounts and became the target of netizen criticism. The upload was flooded with netizens' responses. They blasphemed Virgoun's mother who complained that she was given Rp. 2.7 million per month from Inara Rusli.

"Don't blame Inara, it should be. Inara also gets monthly money from the businessman. Noh, the Firaun just throws away money for his girlfriend, hundreds of millions, eh, the mother doesn't have a complete one. In fact, it's complete to Inara, it's funny, I think," commented the account @vebb *** in the comments column uploaded by Instagram @lambejulid quoted Monday, June 12.

"Thank God I was given that much money, thank you for buying hair, instead of all white simbah hair," said the account @ina_****.

"If you want more, ask your son, who is full of money, don't be his wife who is terrorized. You're also a wife, ma'am, you know how the mumetnya is, a wife manages household finances. Just like your son, the king of coal!." write the account @maminya_anak_****.

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