
YOGYAKARTA Simply put, the cause of the skin is dry due to lack of moisture. Several factors affect changes in the level of moisture in the skin. Starting from daily habits that wash your hair too often so that shampoo products dry up your scalp. The environment also plays a role in addition to the frequent activities of being exposed to the sun.

It's important to know that the skin on the head is dry and the ketombe looks similar. Symptoms are almost the same, but they are actually different. Dry scalp is a hydration problem, while tombes can be due to seboroik dermatitis, explained the board-certified dermatologist Hadley King as reported by Byrdie, Wednesday, May 31. If to deal with dry facial skin and restore moisture, you can follow the doctor's recommendations below.

Scalp life is formulated to help detoxify and moisturize the most sensitive scalp though. You can use it instead of shampoo but still need to be followed by the use of conditioner to lock hair moisture.

Oil with good nutrition is right to restore moisture to the scalp. This oil for the scalp is used while bathing in warm water and evaporating after bathing. Massage up to five drops into the skin of the head and flatten gently to the ends of the hair.

If you are interested in mixing medicinal ingredients for dry scalp, you can mix coconut oil, apple juice vinegar, and aloe vera. These three ingredients can help calm the skin and minimize ketambe.

Each ingredient mentioned above, according to board-certified triologistrubbing Friese, is antimicrobial and is often registered in the popular DIY hair mask prescription. King added, adding tea tree oil (tea tree oil) can also help because it is antibacterial, anti-giant, and anti-inflammatory.

Massaging the scalp with a comb or fingers can help increase blood circulation and remove impurity buildup. It also makes shampoo work much more effectively. You can also use a scrub instead of a brush, Friede said.

Using shampoo is too much, not a good thing for hair and scalp. Piles of shampoo residue can also worsen timbe and even encourage dry and peeling facial skin. So, you can use dry shampoo to help detoxify and refresh.

Hair tonics are formulated to repair damage. The most popular is formulated to grow and strengthen hair. There are also winners who are formulated to balance the pH of the scalp and restore its humidity more balanced.

Those are six ways to treat dry scalp. Friese recommends avoiding shampoos that contain certain ingredients. Such as alcohol, mentol, sulfate, and eucalyptus. This material causes the pH of the scalp to be unbalanced. Also avoid using hair structuring products excessively.

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