
JAKARTA - Jessica Iskandar received a lot of negative assessments from netizens after she underwent plastic surgery to address her nose problem in South Korea last April.

Although she doesn't think much about negative comments from netizens, Jessica Iskandar admits that there are some comments that are quite disturbing her.

For comments that said changes to the nose after plastic surgery were not as good as expected, Vincent Verhaag's wife said netizens were in a hurry to assess.

"Yes, maybe they saw it when I was swollen. Now it's not," said Jessica Iskandar in Tendean, South Jakarta last week.

The most painful comment for Jessica Iskandar was when netizens linked plastic surgery to the fraud case she experienced last year.

The woman who is familiarly called Jedar said that the costs she spent were not as big as the netizens imagined. He admitted that he got a large discount because of the endorsement.

"Yes, that's a collaboration too," said Jessica explaining that she got an endorsement from a clinic in South Korea.

Currently, Jessica Iskandar admits that she is satisfied with the results of the plastic surgery she is undergoing. Not only is the shape of her nose bone which is now higher, he admits that the narrowing of the nasal cavity which makes it often difficult for him to breathe is much better.

Although satisfied with plastic surgery in South Korea, Jessica Iskandar admitted that she was still traumatized after surgery. He has no intention of returning to plastic surgery in the near future.

"This is still traumatized after surgery. I'm still shocked, because yesterday it was really uncomfortable to put cotton, for three days I couldn't breathe from the nose, my breath was through my mouth when I was sleeping. So I still haven't thought about surgery," said Jessica Iskandar.

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