
YOGYAKARTA - Various regions in Indonesia have been hit by extreme hot weather since the last few weeks. Facing these conditions, the public is asked to be aware of health problems during hot weather. If the body is not strong against exposure to extreme heat, it can catch several diseases.

The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency revealed the cause of extreme hot weather in a number of areas, namely due to unusual atmospheric dynamics. Many people complain about this high heat condition because it makes it hot and weakness quickly.

Extreme hot weather is also feared to cause people to become attacked by disease. The reason is that when receiving exposure to extreme heat, the body will be vulnerable to health problems.

Health problems are easy to attack during extreme heat because the body is adjusting to different weathers than usual. Here are some health problems that are usually experienced.

The hot weather will drain a lot of fluids in the body rather than during normal weather. Fluids come out a lot through sweat when the body feels hot. This condition also makes people dehydrated.

Therefore, so that fluid needs are still met, you need to drink water more often than during normal weather. If the condition of dehydration is allowed, it can cause health problems such as kidney failure and stroke.

Extreme hot weather can also cause a person to be exposed to internal heat. When dehydrated due to hot weather, the body will easily catch infections with various bacteria and viruses. If this condition is not overcome by eating nutritious foods, it can trigger internal heat problems.

Other health problems that can be caused by extreme hot weather are lung disease. When the weather is hot, the air becomes drier and pollution will be higher. This condition can cause respiratory tract disorders to cause lung disease, such as asthma, emphysema, and bronchitis.

Exposure to extreme hot weather can make it easy for someone to experience side-by-side headaches or migraines. The headache will feel blunt pain and pulse around or the back of the head.

Extreme hot weather can also cause a person to experience heat stroke. Heat stroke is a condition when body temperature increases rapidly but is not accompanied by the body's ability to lower temperature.

When moving from normal weather to extreme hot weather, usually the body cannot control body temperature. One sign of the symptoms of heat stroke is when the body temperature increases rapidly to 41 deg C in 10 to 15 minutes and no sweat comes out of the body.

Another health problem that needs to be watched out for during hot weather is eye pain. When the weather is hot, the air becomes drier so that dust, dirt, and smoke are easily exposed to the eyes. This condition can make the eyes experience itching, red, and hot. So when you are active in the hot weather, you should wear eye protection such as glasses.

Hot kram or heat ramps can also be experienced by someone when they are exposed to hot weather for too long. Heat pumps is a condition when muscle tension occurs when the body temperature increases.

Usually heat ramp is easy for people who carry out activities under the exposure to the sun. This condition can occur because the body loses salt and is essential through sweat. Then this condition is followed by pain and cramps in the legs, arms, and stomach.

Those are some health problems during extreme hot weather. So that your health can be maintained and not susceptible to disease, you should always take care of your body's condition. Always provide a need for nutritious food intake and drink enough fluids, and not be under exposure to the sun.

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