YOGYAKARTA For those of you who have a habit of drinking coffee when your stomach is empty, it seems that you have to start avoiding this habit. The reason is, this habit will have an impact on the body, especially those related to health.
The habit of drinking coffee when the stomach has not been filled with food usually occurs in the morning before work. This is done in hopes of eliminating drowsiness and supporting performance in the office.
In general, coffee does have certain benefits, such as increasing concentration to calming the mind. However, these benefits can be obtained as long as you eat coffee in the right way and time. While drinking coffee when the empty stomach has a certain impact that should be considered, namely the following.
The potential for impaired digestion when drinking coffee in an empty stomach condition is very likely. This happens because the acid content in coffee will react. When the stomach is empty, the reaction of coffee acid will trigger stomach pain, increase stomach acid, to other digestive disorders. The impact can be different from that of each person. There are even those who feel nausea or bloating after drinking coffee.
The impact that must also be watched out for when drinking coffee when the stomach is empty is productivity of excess stomach acid. Not only caffeine, a strong coffee taste is able to stimulate the production of stomach acid. When excess stomach acid will have an impact on disturbing other health, such as irritateing the stomach, exacerminating intestinal disorders, heartburning, maag, and so on.
Coffee is also able to affect a person's mood. Instead of wanting to improve the mood, coffee warrants can feel restless. Even the impact can be fatigue until the body trembles. This is triggered because caffeine additive substances enter empty digestion. This impact is also different in everyone, some feel panic attack to increase heart rate.
Stress hormones have the potential to increase when consuming coffee in an empty stomach condition, namely the hormone cortisol which usually regulates mood to fear. In fact, this hormone regulates the body's metabolism, blood pressure, and regulates blood sugar levels. Basically, the hormone cortisol will rise after waking up. Drinking coffee will temporarily increase cortisol levels.
Research in the British Journal of Nutrition in 2020 found that drinking black coffee when the stomach has not been filled with food will interfere with the blood's sugar control system. This condition is very dangerous for diabetics and janting diseases.
Caffeine in coffee is able to accelerate the disbursement of body fluids through the kidneys. Coffee drinkers themselves have the potential to urinate frequently. When this condition occurs, the absorption of nutrients is not optimal. Caffeins that enter when the stomach is empty will cause magnesium absorption to be disrupted.
Caffeine in coffee can trigger dehydration. Coffee drinkers will often urinate until the body is not aware of lack of fluids. Symptoms of dehydration in coffee warrants can be in the form of an increased heart rate, dizziness, a pungent urine aroma than usual, to a decrease in skin elasticity.
Those are some of the effects of drinking coffee on an empty stomach. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.
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