
West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil also witnessed the latest biopic film by director Fajar Bustomi, Buya Hamka in theaters. He also brought his wife, Atalia Praratya. In the midst of his busy schedule, the man who is often called Kang Emil witnessed the acting of Vino G Bastian who played Buya Hamka through cinemas in Bandung with Pidi Baiq, Jodi Super Bejo, Fajar Bustomi and Chand Parwez. Kang Emil said that Buya Hamka's story, which is shown in films, can be an inspiration for the nation's children. He said Hamka was one of the big figures who had an important role for Indonesia. "We have just seen an extraordinary film, Buya Hamka the first volume. We are Indonesian people, young people need to get inspiration from great people,” said Ridwan Kamil in a written release received by VOI on Sunday, April 23. “ Because great people are usually forged by a decent and very difficult situation. Therefore, Buya Hamka became one of the inspirations. Apart from scholars and fighters, he is also an example," he continued. The Governor of West Java saw that Buya Hamka's film during the Eid al-Fitr holiday was also very appropriate. At the moment of the victory of Muslims this time, he also invited the public, especially West Javanese, to fill his vacation by watching the film produced by Falcon Pictures and Starvisitom, and embedding Buya Hamka's life. "It is obligatory to witness that we are inspired that life should not be mediocre, that life must have aspirations, that life is about struggle. Therefore, I recommend, I support the citizens of West Java, especially Indonesian citizens, netizens, let's watch Buya Hamka films, while Eid rather than watching pots, we watch a lot of cinemas, watch Buya Hamka," he concluded. Buya Hamka has been showing in many cinemas throughout Indonesia since April 19 yesterday. Apart from Vino G Bastian, this film also stars big names in the Indonesian film industry, including Laudya Cynthia Bella, Desy Ratnasari, Donny Damara, Anjasmara, Reza Rahardian, and various other top actors such as Ayu Laksmi, Marthino Lio, Reybong, Mawar De Jongh, Mathias Muchis Verdi Solaeman, Teuku Rifnu Wikana, Ben Kasyafani, Wafda Lubis, Ferry Salim, Donny Kesuma, Cok Simbara, Roy Sungkono, Yoriko Angeline, Ajil Ditto, Zayyan Sakha and Yoga Pratama.

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