
JAKARTA - Buya Hamka film is ready to air April 19. This film stars Laudya Chintya Bella, Vino G Bastian, Desy Ratnasari, Donny Damara, Anjasmara, Reza Rahardian, and various other top-flight names such as Ayu Laksmi, Marthino Lio, Reybong, Mawar De Jongh, Mathias Muchus Verdi Solaeman, Teuku Rifnu Wikana, Ben Kasyafani, Wafda Lubis, Ferry Salim, Donny Kesuma, Cok Simbara, Roy Sungkono, Yoriko Angeline, Ajil Ditto, Zayyan Sakha, and Yoga Pratama.

Ahead of being shown in theaters, Buya Hamka film received support from Islamic organizations to Islamic campuses. Initiated by the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), the Chancellor of Muhammadiyah University Jakarta, PP Muhammadiyah throughout Jabodetabek, MUI, and other organizations held a special screening of Buya Hamka films at XXI Epicentrum.

After watching the film Buya Hamka, Ma'mun Murod Al Barasy, Chancellor of Muhammadiyah University, Jakarta, revealed that Indonesian Muslims should watch this film.

"So many lessons can be learned from Buya Hamka's film. This is only volume 1, there are still voleme 2 and 3 which will be more stories that we deserve to take as uswah, as examples and role models for all of us. Indonesians, Muslims, I think it is necessary to watch Buya Hamka's film," said Ma'mun, Saturday, April 16.

Meanwhile, Izul Muslim Secretary of PP Muhammadiyah appealed to all Muhammadiyah residents to watch this film. "I hope that Muhammadiyah residents will pay attention to Buya Hamka's film. Not only as entertainment, but we can take lessons and lessons from Buya Hamka's life. He is a Muhammadiyah figure who is also a national figure. I think this film is suitable for anyone to watch, not only Muslims, I think, because what Buya said is universal thinking. Because, he is also a nationalist. I think Buya's thoughts and enthusiasm deserve to be used as a role model," he appealed.

The same thing was conveyed by Buya Yusnar, chairman of the MUI in the field of Religious Harmony. "MUI as an ulama institution, and also those who recommend the creation of this film, I appeal to all Indonesians, let us watch this Buya Hamka film, as a film that provides excellent inspiration for our future interests," he explained.

In addition, Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council for Women and Youth, Amany Lubis also revealed the importance of the public watching this film. "Witing this film with fellow scholars, I think it is important that this film is totonted by all Indonesian people because there are religious values, struggles, values of independence, education and artistic value because Buya Hamka is also a writer and writer. This is very important to watch, hopefully it will be successful," he said.

The support given to Buya Hamka, the actor who played Siti Raham, Laudya Chintya Bella, was grateful. "Alhamdulillah, this is a fortune from Allah, because we can support directly from the MUI and Muhammadiyah families in the middle of all of our worship. In the last 10 days, but the Muhammadiyah and MUI families have supported us. This is an extraordinary fortune for us, especially," he said.

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