
Yudo Andreawan, a man who had gone viral at several train stations some time ago, was finally arrested by the police on Friday, April 14 morning. During interrogation, Yudo admitted to being a mental disorder or mental health disorder.

For those of you who are not familiar with mental disorder, VOI is based on the results of interviews conducted with dr. Hanifa Rahma from AiCare. Will explain in detail about the mental understanding of disorder and its treatment techniques.

According to WHO and DSM-5 guidelines (Diagnosis and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5), mental disorders are characterized as a disorder that is clinically significant in cognitive functions, emotional regulation, or a person's behavior.

There is a pattern of psychological behavior or symptoms that has an impact on many parts of his life, providing difficulties or pressure both in social life, work, and activities important for individuals who feel these symptoms.

Mental disorders can affect a person's thinking, feelings, mood, behavior and abilities in daily functioning. According to dr. Hanifa, there are hundreds of conditions related to psychological problems registered on DSM-5.

There are many types of mental disorders that are difficult to mention one by one. However, there are some disorders that the public generally hears, such as:

Unfortunately, until now, most people with mental disorders still have not had access to effective treatment. Many people experience stigma, discrimination and human rights violations.

Individuals with mental disorders need support to maintain their personal, family and social relationships.

The treatment itself depends on the type of mental disorder it has and how serious the disorder is. There are many types of therapies that can be undertaken, some require education, medicines, psychotherapy, support groups, brain stimulation therapy, and others. Patients can get one or a combination of the above therapies.

Well, self-drugs can affect individuals in various ways, and may require a process to find suitable and effective drugs with few side effects. Whether the patient is given a drug or not depends on the mental disorders he diagnoses, complaints and symptoms experienced, and how severe the mental health problem affects them.

Drugs are usually given for:

There are several kinds of drugs to deal with mental disorders, for example:

Usually prescribed to help overcome moderate or severe degrees of depression, it can also be given to other medical conditions such as ansietas, eating disorders, OCD, etc.

This class of drugs is usually prescribed to reduce the symptoms of psychosis, which is a condition involving loss of contact with reality.

Individuals who experience psychosis symptoms can feelsets (have a belief in something that is clearly wrong and cannot be justified by others, people with moderates generally believe that their crission is true) or hallucinations (telling, seeing or kissing things that others don't hear, see or kiss). This group of drugs is usually given for Barge disease or skizoavective disorder.

sedatives or sleeping pills can be given to individuals who experience severe insomnia or can help to treat symptoms of severe anxiety, such as panic attacks.

This drug group is usually given to deal with bipolar disorder and complaints related to mood swings attributed to mental disorders.

This class of drugs can increase focus, vigilance, attention and energy. Can be given to ADHD patients and Narcolepsy (prolonged sleep disorders characterized by anxiety during excessive days of sleep and sudden sleep attacks).

The duration of the treatment also depends on the medical condition experienced, it is possible that some need medication for some time. However, there are also those who need treatment for a long time, maybe because patients experience repeated problems related to their mental health or there is a significant risk of symptoms recurrence if they stop taking drugs.

In some cases where their mental disorders are already severe or they risk injuring themselves or others, they may need more intensive treatment. Patients may also need to be hospitalized and receive intensive care from professional health workers.

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