
JAKARTA - Abdel Achrian is grieving, he has just lost his son, Keissha Aliyya Wulandari, who died on Monday, April 10 yesterday.

Through his Instagram account, the comedian and presenter uploaded his daughter's grave. On the tombstone, it appears that his son was born on June 15, 2000, which means Keissha died at the age of 22.

The man who is familiarly called Encing Abdel explained that her daughter's departure was due to her illness.

"Innalillahi Wainna Ilaihi Rojiun, our daughter, Keisha A. Wulandari, passed away yesterday, April 10, 2023 at 16.00 due to illness, and was buried today," wrote Abdel Achrian in his upload caption, seen Wednesday, April 12.

Abdel did not forget to thank everyone who had given attention to his son. Not to forget he asked for prayers so that his son would get the best place by the Creator's side.

"Thank you for your attention and we ask for your prayers for the deceased," he wrote.

In the upload, many Indonesian artists expressed their condolences through the comments column. However, comments from Komeng, Abdel's fellow comedian, became the most highlighted by netizens.

Although he was seen expressing his condolences and trying to strengthen his friend's heart by saying that he had felt the same loss when his daughter left him, Komeng seemed to still throw jokes at the end of his comments.

"Hopefully the deceased will get the best place in the sight of Allah. Be patient, Yepa Aab @abdelachrian. Ane once felt that Ane's daughter was a girl, so she didn't eat Ane (emang bini Ane doesn't cook)," wrote Komeng.

Some netizens also seemed unable to sympathize with the comments from the comedian who had the real name Alfiansyah Bustami. Komeng's jokes were considered inappropriate for netizens.

"What's wrong, it's not really funny Komeng, the situation is not really right to joke. What is seeing the moment, it's cing Abdel grieving again," wrote a netizen.

Not only that, because of his comments, the name Komeng was trending on Twitter. Some netizens seem to understand the meaning of Komeng who only wants to entertain Abdel Yanh is feeling a big loss due to his son who died.

"The way comedians entertain each other, if people are sotoy, they must say it's not the right moment. Even though it's a form of closeness between two friends. You just sotoy criticizes people how to mourn, each person has different coding mechanisms. Some are dancing, some are crying, some are silent, "wrote a netizen.

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