
YOGYAKARTA - Waking up late on the sahur will certainly make you panic and rush to eat. When the time is approaching the Fajr call to prayer, you want to find food that is practical or easy to eat. There are several practical menus when you wake up late that you can choose from.

Even though you wake up late, you still have to take the time to eat. Eating a little food can fill the energy to pass the fast instead of not eating at all. There are some foods that you can eat when the sahur approaches Imsak.

However, even if you are suhoor at a short time, the food you eat must also be nutritious. Sahur intake is very important to fill the body's energy to be strong in fasting. So what are the practical menus when you wake up late?

People who do not take the time to fast are among the people who lose money. Even though there is a little time for sahur left, you can still eat healthy food for sahur. The following are a number of selected foods when they are late.

One of the practical menus that you can consume when you wake up late is boiled eggs. You can eat boiled eggs easily, simply by peeling the skin shell and then eating their contents. You can also mix boiled eggs with vegetable salads containing tomatoes, corn, lettuce, or small carrots to make them richer in nutritional intake.

The process of boiling the eggs also does not take long, only 8-10 minutes. It would be even better if you stock or store the boiled eggs, so you just have to eat them.

Another practical menu option that is suitable to eat when you wake up late is oatmeal. Oatmeal is a food that is easy to serve because you just need to brew it. You can also prepare oatmeals at night, then store them in a refrigerator to eat when suhoor.

Oatmeal is usually mixed with milk and honey. Although the way to process it is quite easy or instant, the foam contains iron and is rich in good fiber for the health of the body.

Wheat bread can also be a practical menu choice when you wake up late. Instead of buying bread, it's better if you prepare wheat bread in the refrigerator. According to research, the fiber contained in wheat can make you full longer.

Wheat bread can be eaten directly or without any addition and feels delicious. You can also eat whole wheat bread with creations, such as making a sandwich filled with eggs and meat.

Other foods that are suitable to eat when you are late in waking the sahur areama. Cereal is a food that is very practical. You can eat serela with additional milk and fruit pieces as a complement to it.

You should choose wholesorpts made of wheat and whole grains because it will give you a long feeling of fullness. Cereals also contain a variety of good nutrients for health, such as complex carbohydrates, vitamins, and fiber.

Sarden can also be chosen as food when you wake up late. Sarden is a food that is very practical in processing. You can simply heat the contents in the sardines for 2-3 minutes. Sarden which contains fish and thick sauce you can eat with rice.

So at least you keep some cans of sardines at home just in case you wake up late. Sarden also contains high nutrition because the basic ingredient is marine fish.

Frozen food or frozen food is also a practical food that is suitable for those who wake up late. How to serve this food is just heat, can be boiled, fried, or steamed. So you need to store frozen food in the refrigerator to be on guard when suhoor is on time. Some choices of frozen food that you can buy, including nuggets, pempek, dimsum, and others.

That's the recommendation of a practical menu when you wake up late. So even if you have to go near Imsyak time, you can still eat practical foods and stay nutritious by choosing the menu above.

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