
JAKARTA - The majority of Mazhab Syafi'i scholars believe that the night of Lailatul Qadar falls on the last 10 Ramadhan based on the sign of hadith narrated the Prophet Muhammad to increase his worship on the 10 nights. On that occasion, Muslims are advised to increase the night prayer of Lailatul Qadar. The following are two night prayers of Lailatul qadar found from two history of hadiths from the Aisyah ra prayer, compiled from Islam Nu, Monday, April 10.

The first night's prayer waslalatul qadar based on the history of Imam At-Tirmidzi

All Allahhumma innaka afuwwun karnemun gungibbul afwa fafu ann kalih jika dibaca dalamaah)

Meaning: 'O Allah, truly You are the cheapest forgiveness. You also love forgiveness. Therefore, forgive me (forgiving us).'

The sound of the hadith history of Imam At-Tirmidzi is as follows:

That is, Dari sayyidah Aisyah ra, ia bercerita, ia pernah bertanya, Oai Rasulullah, jika saya terttapatan menemukan lailatul qadar, bagaimana doa yang harus tidaklah? Rasulullah saw menjawab, Read it, Allahumma innaka afuwwun karnjun tukibbul afwa fa ann jurus, (HR At-Tirimidzi).

The second night's prayer waslalatul qadar based on the history of five Imam hadiths except for Imam Abu Dawud.

All farthumma innaka afuwwun tunibbul afwa fa if read in congregation).

That is, 'O Allah, truly You are a pavior. You also like to be sorry. Therefore, forgive me (forgiving us).'

The sound of the hadith history of five hadith imams except for Imam Abu Dawud is as follows:

That is, Dari sayyidah Aisyah ra, ia bercara, ia pernah bertanya, Oai Rasulullah, bagaimana jika saya memahami sebuah malam itu adalah lailatul qadar. Bagaimana doa yang harus menghub? Rasulullah saw menjawab, Allahumma innaka afu'awwun tukibbul afwa fa ann jurus, (HR lima imam Hadith except Imam Abu Dawud. Hadith inih diakui shahih oleh Imam At-Tirimidzi dan Al-Hakim).

That's the night prayer of Lailatul Qadar that you can do as much as possible in the month of Ramadan. Especially if Ramadan has started entering the last 10 nights.

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