
JAKARTA - Sad news came from comedian Adil Latief who is familiarly called Adul. The mother, Hj. Umroni died on Friday, March 24, 2023 night.

The death of the 39-year-old comedian's mother was confirmed by Adil herself through an Insta Story upload on her Instagram account.

Adil uploaded several bouquets of flowers from several companies that expressed his condolences for the passing of his mother to the Creator.

Adul also re-uploaded Insta Story from his fellow artist, Dennis Adhiswara.

"My deepest condolences for the death of Mrs. Hj. Umroni, the mother of Adul. With prayers from our family," wrote Dennis Adhiswara on his Insta Story with a black background, Saturday, March 25, 2023.

When this article was written, the body of Adil's mother was at the funeral home located in Bojongsari, Depok, West Java.

The body of the late Hj. Umroni is planned to be bathed at 08.00 WIB and buried at 09.00 WIB at Kramat Pela Cemetery, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta.

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