
YOGYAKARTA Health needs to be maintained throughout life. If when you are still young, your body's metabolism works well. Different when you are old, it is very necessary to pay attention to health not only because your metabolic performance is decreasing. But also pay attention to the health of the following 6 body parts.

While there is no problem with vision, eye examinations need to be done every three years when you start entering your 50s, advises an ophthalmologist and professor of technology at Harvard Medical School, Alice C. Lorch, MD.

The eye needs to be monitored by doctors to diagnose and manage general conditions related to age. Such as macula degeneration, blurred eyes, and loss of central vision and glaukuma. In addition to not smoking, which increases the risk of eye disease, research shows you can slow down the development of macular degeneration with certain multivitamin supplements. Medicines and surgery can inhibit glaukuma.

Hygiene and oral health start from daily care by brushing, wearing a moutwash, and other basic cleaning. But to get optimal Health, you may need to do more than you normally do.

"As we age, we see more recessions of gums and bone roughness and that can expose some of the root surfaces of teeth, this surface is not covered with sixels so it is more prone to decay," Matt Messina, assistant professor of dental medicine at Ohio State University, reported by AARP Org., Friday, March 24.

To maintain the health of your teeth and gums in the long term, Messina recommends really keeping your mouth clean. If you're taking a drug that causes your mouth to dry, ask your doctor if you can take a smaller dose or a different drug. Avoid chewing ice, because sixels of teeth can peel off.

You may not think about paying attention to your feet until you appear sore, RUNu, or other pain. Michael Tritto said, a leg disease expert based in Rockville, Maryland, many patients in their 50s had significant leg problems.

Tritto suggested, pay attention to anything on the legs. Starting from ships that may develop and disrupt roads, bumps or Bunions which means there are joint problems, knee, hip, and back problems are also related to foot habits.

Kaki is designed for grass, soil, and sand. Everything that complicates the road, that's what causes the problem. That is, wear comfortable shoes. If you don't support and protect your feet, then you will experience leg curvature problems, punctuation pain, and Achilles tendinitis," Tritto said.

The pelvic floor muscles are in charge of supporting the intestines, bladder, and uterus in women. If in men, the pelvic floor muscles support the prostate, said Kandis B. Daroski, a physical therapist who is specialist in pelvic health. A strong pelvic floor is also important for sexual arousal and orgasm.

One in 4 women experience pelvic floor disorders, often due to childbirth, although it may appear long after children grow. Weak pelvic muscles can cause urine or fecess, pain and prolapse, when the organ falls and even stands out of the vaginal tract. Men can also experience incontinence, especially after prostate cancer treatment.

To prevent the above complaints, Daroski's message, it is important for you to keep the muscles around the pelvis working well. Such as the stomach muscles, hip muscles, and spinal muscles connected to the pelvic floor.

Sendi is considered a vulnerable body part, as are the knees and hips that hold the load. The head of the orthopedic surgery Neil J. Cobelli, MD., these two joints have heavier pressure than elbows and shoulders.

hip pain is often experienced by a person after the 50s and often leads to surgical surgery. To prevent this, Cobelli recommends staying active in exercise. But choose safe exercise in the knee and not at risk of arthritis. Another factor, keep the body weight ideal so that the knee and hip load is not too heavy.

Hearing power may begin to decline in the 50s and 60s, said otollarynolosgist Daniel Rontal, MD. Hearing changes may not be seen from year to year, and it takes an average of every seven years to seek help, according to the Association of American Hearing Disorders.

But preventing hearing loss from an early age can reduce risks that are not too drastic. Rontal suggested, perform an early hearing test in the 50s, which allows doctors to evaluate changes over time.

It is also important to understand that ears play an important role in maintaining balance and preventing fall. So it is important for you to start paying attention to the body above to prevent it from functioning properly.

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