
JAKARTA - The design of the interior and color trend of the house currently focuses on soft tones that are able to give peace to the occupants of the house. In addition to the color tone of the house, one of the businesses brings a cool and peaceful taste at home, namely by adding several ornamental plants of sage green color.

Guaranteed, every room decorated with green plants will feel fresher and alive. And there are many varieties of green plants that you can choose from. However, specify the type that matches the room where you will enjoy the calming effect. Don't forget, also pay attention to the condition of the room light so that plants can thrive.

Reporting from Better Homes & Garden, Friday, March 17, tillandsia is an air plant or air plant because it can live with air media, hanging in the air, without soil, without fertilizer, and does not need to be watered. You can put three tillandsia plants on the table or in a hanging pot made from glass. Put it near the window, because tillandsia needs direct sunlight in order to survive.

Syngonium is also referred to as an arrowhead plant because of its leaf shape that resembles the arrow's eye. This plant can be grown alone in the soil or in pots, or mixed with other plants in one long pot. You can also plant this plant in hanging pots. In addition, another way to grow syngonium plants is at the pole or trellis as a buffer when spreading.

Choose a white syngonium, cream, and silver to get the green sage you want. This plant thrives in low light and is perfect for placing it in the bedroom or workspace.

China's sturdy and beautiful Evergreen can withstand low light and a long period of drought. Young Tunas grow slower and fit on a table. While larger plants can be planted in pots and placed in pieces of indoor accent. Types of Cecilia, Golden Bay, and Silver Bay, all of them have beautiful green sage leaves.

Echeveria is a succulent plant that is easy to care for. This variety grows well in the home page or is grown in pots as a home ornamental plant. Most of the echeveria are not toxic to cats and dogs. This plant from Central and South America has thick leaves and forms a rose flower pattern.

Although the English ivy is a classic type of ornamental plant, fans seem to be timeless. The English ivy variety consists of various colors and attractive shapes. For green tones, try silver bells or silver dollars. Decorate your desk or makeup table with an English ivy or place it on a hanging pot near the window for the impression of a leaf curtain.

Begonia is a type of ornamental plant that can withstand minimal sunlight, in dry areas, or in places that are heavily exposed to sunlight. This plant grows well in pots or when planted directly to the ground. Surefire Begonia is a variety that has very thick and long-lasting stems. As well as bigger flowers that can continue to bloom.

Rigid, pointed-edged snake plant leaves provide architectural appearances, which perfectly complement modern and contemporary spaces. Growing as a green sage ornamental plant, you can decorate the table with a small or large snake plant in the corner of the room. Whitney is a dwarf snake plant variety with a green sage color.

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