
JAKARTA - Venna Melinda responded to Ferry Irawan's mother, Hariati, who last week stated that Verrell Bramasta's mother visited Ferry Irawan at the East Java Regional Police. Not only that, Hariati said that Venna intimidated Ferry to admit acts of Domestic Violence (KDRT).

Noor Akhmad Riyadhi as Venna Melinda's legal counsel confirmed that his client visited the East Java Regional Police on February 24, 2023, the day after undergoing a divorce trial at the South Jakarta Religious Court.

However, he denied Ferry Irawan's mother's statement. Noor Akmad said that his client's presence was based on the summons of the East Java Police to complete the files that were still lacking.

"We will sort it from the start, the trial is on February 23, the next day Mrs. Venna will come to the East Java Regional Police on the basis of file equipment or P19," said Noor Akhmad Riyadhi at the South Jakarta Religious Court on Thursday, March 9, 2023.

Regarding the meeting between Venna and Ferry, Noor said that the meeting was in response to Ferry Irawan's request as a suspect for restorative justice.

"This means that the return of the complete file on February 24 has been sent back on March 3, not to meet Mr. Ferry there. And also, it turns out that Pak Ferry on January 17, 2023, has sent a letter to the East Java Police Chief, essentially to ask for restorative justice. And on the 24th, it happened that Venna was met directly by Mr. Dirreskrimum (Kombes Pol. Totok Suharyanto)," said Noor Akhmad.

Venna's lawyer stated that there was no one-on-one meeting as imagined. Moreover, at the meeting it was also not agreed that there would be peace.

"There was no one with one eye meeting. So when restorative justice was there, only Mrs. Venna, Mr. Ferry, Mr. Dir, Mr. Lanit and the investigator's mother. So after restorative justice was carried out, in the end, there was no middle ground where, "said Noor.

He also denied Ferry Irawan's mother's statement that her client forced her husband to admit the act of domestic violence. For Noor, this statement is impossible.

'Maksa? No, there is no force. How do you try to force it? There is Mr. Dir. Mr. Director of General Crimes is the highest person there, after the Kapolda. How do you force it, how to intimidate? It's impossible for a woman to intimidate the reported or already a suspect, let alone those who ask for restorative justice are Mr. Ferry's side. It's impossible for Mrs. Venna to intimidate, "concluded Venna Melinda's attorney.

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