
YOGYAKARTA - You will travel alone for the first time. This is a big problem, however, it's not a big deal if you know how. Because this time we will be thoroughly peeling out tips on solo traveling.

This time there are some tips for solo travel for beginners, as well as for those who stretch their solo travel muscles to a more challenging destination.

It goes without saying that pre-solo-travel anxiety will depend on what you want from your journey, and what kind of person you are. Do you enjoy being outside your comfort zone, or does that mind fill you with fear rather than excitement? Are you a socializing person who wants to be in the middle of everything? If so, you might go crazy if you can't communicate, so go somewhere where you speak that language.

On the other hand, if you travel alone and behind closed doors, forget about language problems. Excitement cities are perfect for the people watching, especially if they have a fast-growing cafe culture.

Sleeping Wherever

Try homestay or find a room rental in this apartment gives you an automatic connection with residents when you travel alone. As a solo traveler, you will have many options to choose from.

Even if your host doesn't take you out of town, at least you will get some local tips. Hostels are also ready to use for solo travelers (this is our best hostel choice in Europe), but remember that you may spend more time with other tourists than with local residents.

Pasti salah satu tips utama kami untuk bertahan hidup dalam perjalanan solo. Takingkan waktu untuk mempertimbangkan apa yang Anda ingin dari perjalanan Anda, dan di mana mungkinan besar Anda akan mendapatkannya.

Just say no

Sometimes, especially in a culture that is more friendly and fascinated by foreigners, the attention you get when traveling alone can become a little intense. Learn how to say "no, thank you" in local languages, and "not at all" plus local nonverbal moves for "no", which are often more effective than both.

Also save local help numbers, such as tourist police, on your phone. You may never need them, but just knowing that you have them can give you confidence to face an awkward situation, whether you're on a solo trip in South America, Australia's backpacking, or a European trip.

Strengthen yourself

It appears many times as a tip of solo traveling. Being alone for a long time can be scary, but just go ahead. You may learn to love your own company along the way.

Or, if you want to socialize, you can always try to find new friends. Offer to take photos of your family in a big place, for example, or sit near a geng that sticks to the bar. This is really one of our main tips for survival on a solo journey.

Either way, if it's an adventure you're looking for, read our summary of the world's best adventure holiday for 2022.

Don't hide

It's easy to feel afraid to travel alone, and going back to a good novel page can feel like the perfect way to avoid curiosity in public transportation or in restaurants.

But going alone means you have the opportunity to really enjoy your environment, meet local residents and travelers along the way. Get satisfied to be yourself, but are confident enough to introduce yourself to others when you want to socialize.

So after knowing solo traveling tips, look at other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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