
YOGYAKARTA Most people must have found a silica gel wrapped in paper in a new bag, shoe boxes, gadgets, food, medicine boxes, and other equipment. Silica gel is placed there for a reason. So, what exactly is the function of the silica gel?

Summarized from various sources, Sunday, March 5, 2023, the following is the function of the silica gel in everyday life:

Adapted from the Time of India, silica is the best way to suck the moisture out of a wet cellphone. Just apply the excess water with the help of a soft cloth and separate the batteries. Save the phone and battery inside the burlap-lock and slide the silicon gel pack into it. Let it be overnight and turn it on the next morning.

One of the reasons why silica gel is often found in food packaging is because it can maintain moisture.

There are two types of silica gels, namely synthetic and natural. Especially in silica gels specifically for food or medicines, there are anti-wetting substances to absorb particles and water vapor in the air.

It has been mentioned above that silica gel can maintain moisture. It is known, humidity (water), is a component that is needed by tubers and microorganisms to survive.

If the moisture of the water is absorbed by silica gel, the quality of the packaging product will be maintained.

That's why you will see many products containing silica gels, from vitamins bottles, to dry dates, shoe boxes, dryer containers, and all kinds of things.

Still from the Times of India, silica gel can protect leather shoes from damage. This is not because the silica gel's nature can absorb air humidity. Shoes stored in a moist container will rot quickly.

Quoted from Howstuffworks, goods stored in a closed and humid place will be very vulnerable to smell.

To prevent the pungent smell, you can put the silica gel in the storage area.

The next silica gel function is to prevent mold growth in powdered textured cosmetics. In addition, silica gel is also useful so that the cosmetics do not easily clot which makes it difficult to apply.

Silka gel can also be used to protect the luster from silver and gold jewelry. To do this, simply place some silica gel bags in a jewelry box to inhibit damage.

Bags made from skin base are very vulnerable to being overgrown with mushrooms, especially when placed in damped places.

So that your leather bag is not overgrown with mushrooms, place the silica gel in the cupboard or container used to store the bag.

The shaving knife that has been used, should be cleaned before being stored in a jar.

This is useful for preventing carats from occurring on stainless knives. In addition, you can use a silica gel in the barber container to keep it durable.

This is information about the function of the silica gel in everyday life. To get other interesting news, keep reading VOI.ID.

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