
JAKARTA - The Blood film is the latest thriller presentation by director Brad Anderson, the man behind several thriller films including The Call, Beirut, and Fractured. Blood has been released in 2022, but will only be shown in Indonesian cinemas this year.

Blood stars Michelle Monaghan, a Hollywood actress who has been productive in several titles. Blood became one of the titles of the film she played aftertensies and Black Site.

The film also stars Ulrich, Finlay Wojtak-Hisssong, June B. Wilde, Jennifer Rose Garcia, Skylar Morgan Jones, Danika Frederick, Sarah Consitble, Erik Athavale, and fire Smith.

Blood tells the story of Jess (Michelle Monaghan), a mother and a nurse who divorces her husband. Now, she moves to a house on the outskirts of the town belonging to Jess's family with her two children, Tyler (Skriday Morgan Jones) and Owen (Finlay Wojtak-Hisssong) as well as their dog, Pippin.

One day, their dog, Pippin ran into the forest and only returned a few days later. However, how shocked Jess - Tyler and Owen were after seeing Pippin come home in a different state. When Owen wanted to take him, Pippin actually bit Owen and made him treated.

Owen was declared anemia and after undergoing treatment, his condition improved. Jess was again surprised to see Owen stable after drinking her blood transfusion. Jess tries to hide Owen's condition by taking him home.

Initially, Jess got used to Owen's condition but it actually led to several incidents that endangered her and her family.

In his story, Blood is not long-winded. The film immediately shows its conflict and a series of strange things. But it is also the beginning of some absurd events that make the storyline not smooth.

The visuals are tense, especially solid acting from the three main characters: Jess, Tyler, and Owen. Jess played well, but Tyler and Owen's acting satisfactorily with their emotional transition. Tyler as the eldest child is required to grow up and continue to live life while Owen, who looks scary, also manages to build a tense moment in the film.

The premise can be predicted, especially since this is a horror film with an interesting theme of family drama. How touching the struggle of a mother who fulfills love for her two children is even willing to die.

Some scenes may trigger warning because according to the title, this film is covered in blood.

Unfortunately until the end of the story, the audience actually didn't get a full answer. Mystery for the sake of mystery was presented but nothing became the spearhead of the conflict that Jess broke.

Maybe the story will be more interesting if there is an explanation of the lake near their house or the trees around Jess's house which is always seen by Pippin.

Apart from that, Blood is a horror film that combines family dramas that can be enjoyed quite a bit. Blood will be shown in Indonesian cinemas starting March 3.

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