
JAKARTA - The Kun Ana Wa Anta film will hit theaters on March 9. The film features a number of child artists such as Muzakki Ramdhan, Abe Moore, Balgis Balfas, Kayla Haryo, and Austyn Senduk.

The production house DNA Production and Happening features the adventures of five children who are trying to protect the presence of animals from the malicious intentions of the perpetrators of the illegal animal trade in the film'sdalma.

This film tells the story of a wildlife trafficking syndicate, misunderstandings between religious communities, to friendships that are unshakable by differences. All the philosophy of life is packaged in one child film that is educational without being boring," said Kun Ana Wa Anta producer Rina Novita in an official release, Saturday, February 25.

Meanwhile, director Rully Manna explained that Kun Ana Wa Anta is an educational film for children and families that contains the values of love among God's creatures, the environment, and tolerance for all people.

"This film is a reflection of the nation's culture whose effect is to stabilize Indonesian children who have good mentality, are educated, have good character, are responsible and have character," he explained.

Kun Anta, which means 'Be Alone', was originally a song from Kuwait, Humood Alkhurer, who is popular in Indonesia. The presence of this film also received a lot of support from a number of figures, one of which was the national child figure of Kak Seto.

"Indonesia needs more films like this, so I call on all mother and father to pick up inspiring messages from this film. Not only the value of friendship but also the love of children from an early age for animals and the environment," explained Kak Seto.

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