
YOGYAKARTA The types of emotions are very important to know, because this has an influence on thoughts, feelings, and behavior in everyday life.

In psychology, emotions are complex reactions involving experience, behavior, and physiological behavior, which are used to deal with problems or important events experienced by individuals. Rather, emotions are a response to events that happen to a person.

The type of emotion experienced by a person depends heavily on the circumstances that trigger these emotions. For example, the joy that arises when you get good news. Or fear when you are in a threatened position.

Emotions show three different components, namely subjective experience, physiological response, and behavioral or expressive response. These various things have a strong influence on everyday life.

Quoted from the Very Well Mind page, Saturday, February 24, 2023, a well-known US psychologist, Paul Ekman has identified six kinds of basic human emotions, including:

1. Happiness (Happy Emotion)

Happy emotions are a condition characterized by feelings of joy, joy, feeling satisfied and prosperous. This is the result of neurotransmitters, including serotonin and dopamine.

Serotonin plays a role in feelings of satisfaction and pleasure in the body. While dopamine, produces or increases feelings of pleasure.

According to Ekman, the emotions of being happy with humans are shown in the following ways:

Happiness can affect physical and mental health. On the other hand, people who find it difficult to find happy emotions are considered easy to stress and depression, which can lead to low immunity.

Therefore, it is not surprising that this emotion is being fought for desperately by many people.

2. Sadness (Sad promotion)

Sad emotions are interpreted as emotional conditions characterized by feelings of dissatisfaction, not being lulled in doing anything, being disappointed, and feeling of grief.

Sad emotions occur because levels of dopamine neurotransmitters and serotonin are very low.

Long-lasting sadness can cause depression, fatigue, lack of energy, difficulty concentrating, to changes in appetite and sleep.

Sad emotions are expressed in various ways, including:

Sad is a natural type of emotion and is generally felt by humans. However, some people can feel sadness for a long time.

3. Fear (Emotional fear)

Fear emotions are responses that arise when a person feels there are indications of danger. The responses vary, can fight or run.

Fear emotions are shown in the following ways:

Fear emotions can cause muscle tension, dry mouth, excess energy on the body, and so on.

Fear is closely related to anxiety. For example, people suffering from social anxiety disorders feel afraid in dealing with social situations.

4. Disgust (Disgust Disgust)

The fourth type of emotion that Paul Ekman managed to identify was disgust emotions. Disgust or disgust can come from many things, including unpleasant feelings, sights, or odors.

Disgusted emotions can be recognized in the following ways:

5. Anger (anger promotion)

Anger is a type of emotion that is often shown. Anger emotions can be recognized in the following ways:

Feelings of uncontrollable anger can trigger psychological problems and are harmful to the body. Therefore, it is very important for a person to control his emotions.

6. Surprise (Emotional)

Shocked emotions arise when someone experiences unexpected events. Shocked emotions are characterized by the following characteristics:

Shocked emotions can be positive or negative, depending on what causes the shock.

Fun surprises can lead to happiness. If the opposite happens, it can cause trauma responses, such as anxiety, depression, fear, and muscle tension.

That's information about the types of emotions that affect human life. To get other interesting news, keep reading VOI.ID.

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