
JAKARTA - The soap opera actor Rizal Djibran was reported by his wife, Sarah for alleged acts of Domestic Violence (KDRT). Sarah again visited Polda Metro Jaya to undergo another examination by investigators.

Tris Hariyanto as Sarah's attorney stated that her client had experienced domestic violence which caused bruises on her hands and feet. "The stabs came from being hit with bare hands. Because RD asked for sexual relations with my client, it deviated," he said after accompanying Sarah to undergo an examination at Polda Metro Jaya on Tuesday, February 21, 2023.

"Because of the rejection from my client, it finally led to allegations of domestic physical violence, which resulted in bruises on his hands and feet," he continued.

Previously, both Sarah and Tris Hariyanto were reluctant to describe what the call for sexual deviation would be like, this time the attorney tried to describe the deviation using parables.

"Like the parable, friends have a house, a door has been provided to go in and out, why do you have to go through the window. So, I don't need to complete it like what, because this is unethical. I think it's like that, maybe friends can conclude," said Tris.

Sarah also responded to Rizal Djibran's statement saying that she had pre-marriage wounds. She firmly stated that what her husband stated was slander.

As a result of the domestic violence experienced, Sarah even admitted that she was traumatized and afraid to meet her husband again. "S I'm still afraid to meet him, there's still a sense of trauma. To meet people recently I'm actually afraid of what he's doing," said Sarah.

For the alleged domestic violence experienced by his client, Tris hopes that Rizal Djibran will receive the appropriate punishment. "I hope that RD will be punished as much as possible according to the applicable regulations," he said.

For information, reports on acts of domestic violence and sexual violence committed by Rizal Djjibran are registered in the number LP/B/802/II/2023/SPKT/POLDA METRO JAYA.

In this case Rizal Djibran was reported under Article 5 Letter A in conjunction with Article 43 Paragraph (1) and or Article 8 Letter A in conjunction with Article 46 of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 2004 concerning PKDRT.

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