
The actor who is also the former Deputy Governor of West Java, Dede Yusuf, responded to the crash of the helicopter carrying the Jambi Police Chief Inspector General Pol. Rusdi Hartono in the Tamiai hills, Kerinci Regency.

Dede assessed that the accident was caused by natural conditions and weather at that time. Almost all events in mountainous areas such as Papua, many helicopters have fallen, because if there are clouds that are fast falling, and visibility in certain weather times is only 100 meters. The condition of Mount Kerinci is more or less like that, because of the mountains," said Dede Yusuf when met at Grand Indonesia, Central Jakarta on Monday, February 20, 2023.

The father of two also refused if the accident that occurred was associated with mystical things. "So, don't get too little mystical. We will get rid of things like that first, after that, let the ones below make content. If we helicopters talk about natural conditions, so we first solve what the cause is," he continued.

Realizing that there is a lot of trust in the community around the mountains who believe in mystical things, Dede briefly replied that he had often climbed mountains and did not meet the mystical figure in question.

For him, it is easier to believe that the accident was caused by extreme weather, similar to the many reports and analysis that have emerged.

"I suspect more about the weather, as I said before, it can be weather, fog and many factors. We can't answer right now, so we have to do a search first for the existing data, don't all of them be associated with mystical things," he said.

As is well known, Rusdi Hartono and his entourage have been found by the evacuation team that was dispatched. The Jambi Police Chief reportedly suffered serious injuries to his hands.

For this incident, Dede Yusuf also hopes that the Jambi Police Chief and his entourage can return to health and work. "We are grateful that the Kapolda is safe and all the crew and members, hopefully the Kapolda can be healthy and work well," he concluded.

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