
YOGYAKARTA Love is reciprocal in marriage, of course it is desirable for every couple. Because with mutual love, everyone who couples takes care of each other and loves each other unconditionally.

Every long-term partner, according to research conducted by David Buss and his collaborators, has something a bit deep, namely reciprocal love. Another research conducted on 10,000 heterogeneous couples, a feature sought after besides the appearance, money, and power that occupies the position behind spires to love each other.

In pairwise bonds, it is found that those with long futures need an investment level in the form of intensive care. As with North American robin species, they show long-term pairwise ties. This is then used as a connotation of the love for each other in paired humans. When it comes to love itself, Helen Fisher was reported by Psychology Today, Sunday, February 19, making a statement that in reality love is an important part of the evolving human experience.

Love seems to be an emotional glue, associated with all kinds of physiological phenomena, such as the release of the hormone oxytocin. This makes couples in human species often feel happy. It also shows the fact that reciprocal love is considered very important by people from all over the world talking about universal, real, and evolved nature.

What about one-sided love? In fact, there are three categories in pairwise life, including the two of them loving each other, breaking up with each other, and finally, one-sided love. If love is one-sided, it means not being on the page with each other, not really seeing and respecting the emotions of his partner, not really caring for each other. Unlike love each other, which forgives each other, trusts each other, wants to be together, and spends time meaningful together.

Through the explanation above, the professor of psychology at the State University of New York, Glenn Geher, Ph.D. shows that marriage is an important part of a wider human experience. It engages in aspects of evolution from perspective.

Choosing an unreliable, evil, unreliable partner, and generally unpleasant partner can have all kinds of detrimental consequences for your life as well as the children you may have with the couple. Love evolves mostly to help facilitate teamwork and kindness in a partner. No doubt that reciprocal love, as opposed to a variety of one-sided love, is essential in facilitating the success of the relationship and all the positive things that accompany that journey.

Reciprocal loveless relationships are relationships that will most likely be a relationship full of problems. On the other hand, a relationship that is truly built on the basis of reciprocal love will most likely move along a positive trajectory for a long time. The value of mutual love in the success of the relationship, simply put, cannot be overestimated.

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