
YOGYAKARTA In color psychology (color psychology), green color is described as a refreshing and soothing color because it has strong associations with nature and is reminiscent of thick trees, trees, and forests. In addition, green color is also often associated with money, luck, health, and self. So, what is the meaning of green color in color psychology?

In color psychology, the color consisting of long wavelengths is considered "generating or warm". Meanwhile, green-like colors that have shorter wavelengths are considered "relax or cool".

Quoted from the Very Well Mind page, Sunday, February 19, 2023, here are the meanings of green in the world of color psychology:

Green nuances can help make people feel comfortable in new places. For this reason, designers often highlight green in public spaces such as restaurants and hotels.

A study found the effect of green sport on subjects exercising indoors while watching outdoor videos with green overlays, experiencing less mood swings and feeling less energy than they watching the same video as red or gray overlays.

The calming effect of green may come from its association with nature. Some researchers argue that positive relationships with green are embedded in our brains since the evolution.

Ancient humans know that green colors in nature show a place where they can find food, water, and shelter.

In ancient mythology, the Greek depicted the god of life, with a green face. His face is considered to be responsible for the fertility of the plants around the river.

Besides being considered a calming color, green is also interpreted as a motivating color.

A study found that people who excel are more consistent in choosing green color than red, which is often chosen by those with low achievements.

The subject of research also relates words related to failure with red, and related words are successful with green.

Other studies show that creativity tends to increase when people surrounded by green plants and have access to green natural landscapes.

Color not only affects emotions, but also a person's memory. According to research, a person tends to remember positive words written in green. The results of this research made researchers theorize that green brings a more positive emotional connotation. Thus, the green color may cause a biased optimism when remembering information.

Apart from being associated with positive feelings, the meaning of green also shows jealousy, jealousy, and lies.

Another negative element, green also indicates feeling bored, and can weaken the mind and physical.

Meaning Green Color Based on Type

Still from Very Well Mind, the meaning of green can vary, depending on the type, such as:

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