
YOGYAKARTA Did you know that the benefits of breathing meditation can be felt as long as it is done in the right way. Not only beneficial for the body, but breathing meditation also has a myriad of other benefits for someone's absorption.

As is known, meditation means focusing on thoughts and feelings. This activity is carried out in various forms, one of which is by breathing meditation. This meditation is widely chosen because it can be done by various age groups and can be done anywhere.

How to do breathing meditation is by sitting relaxed without leaning in a straight position. presence your hands on your thigh, while the eyes are closed. After the position is done properly, take a deep breath for 4 seconds, hold your breath in the body for 7 seconds, then exhale until the lungs are empty. When doing this, try to focus on breathing. Do this technique over and over again with a meditation duration of 3 to 5 minutes.

Respiratory meditation that is carried out correctly and regularly will bring a number of benefits, namely as follows.

Regulating the good breathing done during meditation will make the mind calmer. In addition, this breathing helps distribute oxygen throughout the body to the maximum so that it can suppress stress. Calm thoughts will have an impact on mental calm and improve mental health.

Have you ever had a bad mood due to busy and random activities? When you experience this, try to do breathing meditation. This will help restore your good mood in a relatively short time.

The quality of sleep will worsen when the mind is stressed and does not feel relaxed. To make sleep more quality, do breathing meditation. Do this regularly before going to bed in a dim light condition. Keep your gadgets and try to focus on your breathing.

Lungs that are used properly and maximally while breathing will be healthier than people who only breathe normally. You will feel the muscles around your lungs working well while doing this meditation.

Respiratory meditation will make you calmer so that you can suppress the hormones that cause stress and anger. When this hormone can be suppressed, the risk of hypertension will be smaller.

Shortness of breath can occur due to little oxygen levels in the body. When doing breathing meditation, the body is able to absorb oxygen to the maximum so that the risk of shortness of breath can be smaller.

When the body lacks oxygen, the performance of the intestines and the brain is not optimal. To avoid this, do your breathing properly. Maximum oxygen absorption will help reduce the gap in the intestines and brain.

Oxygen will be distributed throughout the body with the help of blood. At the cellular level, oxygen is able to help replace the aus in the body.

That's information related to the benefits of breathing meditation. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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