
YOGYAKARTA Cat tortie, or tortoiseshell, is like a calico cat that has mixed fur color. The most assertive features of tortie cats are three to four colors mixed and produce color composition resembling marble. Because they have interesting genetics, look at the facts about tortie cats.

The characteristic tortie hair patterned with many types of breeds of breed cats that have this fur motif. Like American Shorhair, British Shorthair, Cornish Rex, Persian, Maine Coon, and others. The color is very varied, even one with the other completely different. The marble pattern is formed from a single color such as cream, orange, or gold.

Most tortie cats behave with females because the same chromosome determines their gender, and automatically determines their hair. The cats of the females have two X-chromodynamics. The embryo kills one chromodynamic X in each cell, resulting in variations in orange and black colors in its fur. Since male cats have one chromosome X and one chromosome Y, they produce orange or black color variations but neither. It could also be male-derived tortie cats, but often experience serious problems with health, barrenness, and shorter life spans.

The study, reported by The Spruce Pets, Sunday, February 12, published that tortie cats have a different temperament than other hairy motif cats. They have a lot of energy, courage, and even aggressiveness. However, based on this study, it did not explain clearly what caused the tortie cat to be more aggressive.

Many countries have legends that tortie cats bring good luck. Especially legends in Southeast Asia, where these marble cats were born from the droplet of the blood of a young goddess. In Japan, it is believed that tortie cats can help protect homes from ghosts. In contrast to legends believed by British people, that tortie cat tails can be a cure for warts.

At first, this cat had no name. They were only recognized by their fur motifs that resembled marble cakes. Then in the 1970s there was a classy fashion brand that produced home decoration glasses, jewelry, and items. Then because the fur motifs were similar, it was named as the tortie cat.

Many tortie cats are found with the M symbol on their forehead or known as TAbby. Because of tortie and TAbby, they are called torbie cats. They are also colorful with distinctive lines with many variations.

As explained above, tortie cats form from chromosomes. Then form sex, but the comparison between males and females is very significant, namely 1:3000. Or out of three thousand female tortie cats and there is only one male tortie cat.

That's an interesting fact about tortie cats. It's important to understand, they don't mark a certain breed but some cat breeds have tortiere motifs. Among them are black, red, orange, yellow, or cream color combinations.

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