
Have you ever heard of the term sexual frustration? If not, sexual frustration is a condition of dissatisfaction stemming from the difference between sexual activity that a person wants and achieves.

Sexual frustration can occur when a partner cannot orgasm, and the loss of libido for various reasons. Well, if you are currently facing sexual frustration problems, here are some ways to deal with it, reported by VOI from the Times of India, Thursday, February 9.

Cardio exercises can help you clear your mind and relieve stress. When you run, your body releases an endorphin that functions to improve your mood and release all pent up energy due to inadequate sexual needs.

Overcoming sexual frustration doesn't have to be done by having sex. You can practice touch with your partner, such as holding hands, hugging your partner, and stroking your face with affection. Touch has been scientifically proven to make a person feel comfortable and connect and make your partner better connected to each other.

Think about the reasons why sexual frustration can occur in your and your partner's life. You may have to think about it seriously because there are deep mental and emotional reasons why you run away from sex or there are reasons why your partner doesn't want it.

Sual sex means▁isutation and the use of some sex toys to help you achieve satisfaction. Sexual frustration is often temporary. So, releasing passion quickly can help curb direct desire to have sex. It can also lead to better sexual intercourse in the future.

If you feel you don't get the love and attention your partner needs, talk to him about it. Express your feelings and ask what you need. It doesn't have to be anything sexual, even just the shoulder to cry is enough. This can solve a lot of problems, especially unsatisfied sex lives.

Often you don't realize this, but there are drugs that have side effects such as reducing sexual arousal. These drugs are usually found in blood pressure controller drugs and drugs such as antipsychotics.

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