
YOGYAKARTA Jogja's night tour is one of the mainstays as well as one that is being hunted by many travelers. The city, dubbed the Student City, has many outdoor night tourist attractions that display a romantic atmosphere.

Interestingly, the night tour in Yogyakarta is not too far from the city center. The required travel time is also not too far, so tourists can easily reach it by private vehicles.

Some night tours in the city of Jogja are partially paid, but some are free. Here are places that can be visited during night tours in Jogja.

Bukit Bintang tourism is located on the main side of the Yogyakarta-Wonosari route. Called Bintang Evidence because in this place visitors can enjoy the lights of the city of Jogja from the highlands resembling stars. When the weather is clear, visitors can see the magnificent Mount Merapi on the north side of Jogja City.

No need to issue an entry ticket to visit Bukit Bintang, visitors can eat and relax at a large number of places to eat in the Bukit Bintang area.

Spot Riyadi's night tour is not very popular with tourists. But this place should be visited at night. This place presents the view of Jogja at night. In the form of Star Evidence, Spot Riyadi is widely liked because the place is still beautiful and the location has to go up in the Piyungan hills, Prambanan. You can see the lights of the cities of Jogja and Mount Merapi when it is sunny.

This place is very familiar to tourists. It even becomes one of the mainstays of Jogja tourism. It feels incomplete if you don't stop by Malioboro during a tour in Jogja. In this place you will be presented with the atmosphere of the night of the city of Jogja which is filled by buskers and various other art performances.

Breksi Cliff is one of the tours in the form of limestone cliffs. This cliff deserves to be visited in the afternoon because you will see a beautiful carving engraved by Jogja's artist. Meanwhile, at night, this location will be filled with a theme light that adds to the romantic impression. In this place you will also see the view of the City of Jogja from above.

For tourists who like photos, Taman Pelangi can be the right choice. The location is on the homepage of the Jogja Monument again on the North Ring Road, Sariharjo, Ngaglik District, Sleman. In this place there are many colorful lanterns with various shapes such as flower shapes, cartoons, and wayang shapes. This Spot is suitable to visit at night because the color of the lantern is very attractive.

Night tours that are easily accessible are Kidul Square. The location is not only from Malioboro so it can be reached for a short time. In this place, there are many street vendors who present various culinary menus.

In addition, many leased bicycles with dark lights. The shape of the bicycles available is very unique, so it is also suitable to be an object of an Instagram photo. Kidul Square also has cultural tours called the Masagin tradition. This tradition is a challenge for tourists to pass between two banyan trees. If successful, then the prayers and hopes will be offered by living things.

That's information related to Jogja's night tour. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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