
JAKARTA - Aulia Sarah is one of the actresses in the horror film directed by Sidharta Tata, Waktu Maghrib. She plays Ms.Woro, a teacher who is known to be disciplined and fierce by her students at school.

During the filming process which was carried out in Yogyakarta, many things had a special impression on the 31-year-old actress. Moreover, Aulia witnessed with her own eyes how one of the actors she played with was possessed.

“Really (some are in a trance). One of the actors too, Pak Heru," said Aulia Sarah after a press conference in the Epicentrum area on Thursday, February 2.

Aulia explained that the moment when Heru fell into a trance was when he had to do a scene with the actor. "The moment was just right when I was taking there, Pak Heru," she said.

The finalist of GADIS Sampul 2005 said that she was suspicious before doing the scene. He saw that his opponent had a different attitude than usual.

"Then, when we were about to take it, Mr. Heru really had to stand behind me. Mr. Heru had said, 'Mba Aulia, I'm sorry, I'll scream for Mba Aulia later'," said Aulia explaining the beginning of the trance.

Aulia, who confirmed Heru's words, was then surprised when she saw her co-star making strange sounds. “Filming hadn't started, everyone was still busy setting the set. Then he was like 'Heh heh'. I was like, 'Sir, it's my take', it's really scary. It turned out that when we took Pak Heru, he was conceded," said Aulia ending her story.

Of the many things she went through while filming in Yogyakarta, Aulia felt that the moment when she had to see Heru in a trance was the most memorable.

Aulia herself had seen someone possessed before, but the ghost costume that Heru was wearing at that time made her even more scared. "So far, I have often seen people who are possessed, but if I see someone possessed in a costume that looks like a ghost, I'm afraid it's like a double, so my knees go weak when I see them," she concluded.

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