
JAKARTA - Sidharta Tata made her debut in directing feature films through the Maghrib Time horror genre film. The man who is familiarly called Tata is also involved in writing the scenario.

Tata has his own views on horror films in Indonesia. He considered that not many horror genre films have quality. He also expressed his confidence to be able to make horror films a dignified and reckoned film.

I want to have a responsibility to have this film with dignity. Currently, there are so many horror films, but when it comes to quality measures it can be calculated. I want to be there at a point where I want to keep horror films dignified," said Sidharta Tata in a press conference in the Epicentrum area, South Jakarta on Thursday, February 2.

First received a synopsis from the production team, Tata stated that he was immediately interested. He considered what he wanted to show to be close to the community in general. Various myths about maghrib are also felt to be close to him.

Sunil G. Samtani as executive producer also expressed his approval with Tata. For him, Rapi Films as a production house also wants to present quality horror shows.

Rapi Films consistently produces and distributes best-selling and quality horror films. I hope that the Maghrib Time film can be accepted and enjoyed by Indonesian audiences," said Sunil.

When Maghrib himself told how a myth about the time of maghrib occurred in a village. Starting from juvenile delinquency, various terrors were present in the village.

The supernatural terror joked from two children in the village, Adi and Saman, who are often punished by Mrs. Woro, their disciplined and fierce teachers. One day, Adi and Saman's frustration with Mrs. Woro peaked, they greeted the teacher along with the reverberation of the Maghrib call.

Since then, Adi and Saman have experienced a terrible supernatural terror. Ayu suspects that there is a more frightening evil force behind the series of supernatural events.

The film Time Maghrib stars a series of young actors, including Aulia Sarah, Taskya Namya, Ali Fikry, Bima Sena, Nafiza Fatia Rani, and Andri Mashadi. This film can be seen in theaters throughout Indonesia on February 9, 2023.

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