
YOGYAKARTA Not all pests need to be eradicated. Certain types of pests that land in organic gardens are actually beneficial for the ecosystem.

Hama is often considered a nuisance so it needs to be eradicated. But even though certain species create problems, it is important to maintain some types in order to form an ecosystem balance. Below, some pests that need to be left in the garden but need to be observed and pay attention to their development.

Green spotting is a common pest. These pests often live in vegetable gardens. These pests are an important wildlife in the food chain. As long as the crowd population remains under control, they provide information to which farmers fail to grow.

Ulat may later become a small white butterfly, this is a common pest in plants. Ulat eats leaves and makes them have holes when they are hungry. Ulat is a pest that is a diet of birds, bats, and frog.

Siput is seen as the main enemy by the standar. However,▁gelombangs are a food of birds, small mammals,hogs, and pagodas. Other wild animals are also chasingbilizers as prey. Please note,▁hendakts are very likely to live on piles of mulsa or compost. They digest the planting media and play a role in restoring nutrients to the soil.

Tawon may eat some fruit, but they are bird food. Meanwhile, wasps feed caterpillars and other insects so that they can reduce crop damage in the park. That means forming a food chain and building a balanced ecosystem, reported by Treehugger, Sunday, January 29.

Ornamentals usually dig soil and make mounds. Usually they don't damage plants. Extortion is useful in helping maintain the circulation of the air in the ground, moving materials from within the soil ecosystem, producing soil nutrients, and eatingMINAlities in the soil.

Porous leaves or fruit damaged by pests, may be frustrating. However, as long as the numbers are small, the plants above still need to be left alive to keep the ecosystem balanced in your home organic gardens.

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