
Actress Sara Fajira admitted that she found a comfortable zone to act in horror genre films. Previously, Sara appeared in the film Magic Baby and Mist. Most recently, Sara returned to play horror films at the Devil's Followers by director Rako Prijanto.

"When asked about the comfort zone (acting in horror films), yes. I really like it and I found my comfort zone here (in horror films)," Sara said when met in South Jakarta, Friday, January 27.

Despite finding a comfort zone, Sara did not close herself to take on a role in other film genres and is still trying to continue learning in the world of acting.

"But I also don't want to close myself off, if for example there is an offer of drama, romance, comedy, or anything, I don't want to refuse. I also want to learn, please, I don't want to be stuck in horror," he said.

In the film Para Pengikut Devil which will air in February, Sara plays the role of Asih. The actress was reluctant to divulge the details of the characters she played, but mentioned that Asih had a personality that was "crazyr" than the other two main female characters.

"He (Asih) will do anything, justify any means of the term (to get what he wants)," he said.

"He (Asih) is indeed among the other two 'betina', he is the crazy one. If the others seem to still be able to go straight, if Asih can't do it anymore," said Sara again.

In the new film, Sara returns acting with Adipati Dolken (as a demon) who previously also appeared in the Magic Baby. In addition, Sara also competed acting with Mawar De Jongh (as Sumi) and Hanggini (as Sari).

The three characters played by these three actresses are told to choose the path to ally themselves with the devil. The Devil's Followers will be shown simultaneously in Indonesian cinemas starting February 16, 2023.

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