
JAKARTA - Many couples are worried about having sex while pregnant, especially in the first trimester. The main reason is that the baby is not strongly attached to the uterus so that there is a high risk of miscarriage. Finally, many couples decide to'satisfice' not to hurt the baby.

It's natural that you want to keep your baby in the womb safe until she is born. However, fasting sex is not necessary. The reason is, sexual intercourse while pregnant, including during the first trimester, is safe to do during normal and non-complex pregnancy.

Reported by the Times of India, Friday, January 27, there are at least five things you and your partner need to know if you want to have sex during pregnancy.

Sex while pregnant is okay and safe as long as you feel comfortable. Most sexual positions can be applied during pregnancy. oral sex is also safe during pregnancy. But remember, the more you get pregnant you have to find out what position is the most suitable and comfortable for you and your partner.

Kondolation is not only for preventing pregnancy, but also for saving you from sexually transmitted infections during pregnancy. Infections can cause serious health problems for you and your prospective baby. If a partner has just been diagnosed with sexually transmitted infection then you should avoid all forms of sex.

Avoid having sex if you suddenly experience vaginal bleeding for no reason, the cervical is open before time, the liquid is leaking, or the placenta covers the opening of your cervical. You should avoid sex during pregnancy if you have a history of premature childbirth or premature birth/

Myths, if you believe in sex during pregnancy should not be done. Because if your health is supportive, sex during pregnancy can increase the binding of you and your partner. Even one 2004 study explains that sex while pregnant increases Iga which is an antibody that helps prevent flu and other infections.

Many people believe that orgasm can help pregnant women feel more relaxed. Because, when you have an orgasm, the body releases an endorphin that makes mothers and prospective babies feel happy and more relaxed.

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