
Artist Venna Melinda cried while reading the conclusion of the post-mortem or medical examination after several times experiencing domestic violence (KDRT) by her husband Ferry Irawan, as reported to the East Java Regional Police (East Java Police).

"I did three medical examinations. First at the Bhayangkara Hospital, the East Java Police after being treated after receiving domestic violence for the last time not long ago," he said during a press conference in Surabaya, Thursday, January 27.

The second and third medical examinations, continued Puteri Indonesia in 1994, were again carried out after feeling recovered at the hospital in the capital city of Jakarta, one of which was at Mitra Keluarga Hospital.

"The results of the medical examination at Bhayangkara Hospital can be asked directly to the East Java Police investigators," he said.

Venna then explained the results of the post-mortem carried out at Mitra Keluarga Hospital, Jakarta. One of them is related to the condition of his nose which looks bleeding as the photo went viral at the beginning of reporting the domestic violence case committed by her husband to the East Java Regional Police.

"According to a medical examination. My nose bone was not broken. The blood burst from the blood vessels in the nose that were ruptured due to being squeezed very strongly using Ferry Irawan's forehead," he said as quoted by ANTARA.

In addition, Venna showed a medical photo of her broken ribs as a result of being squeezed using Ferry Irawan's hands by deploying martial arts techniques.

The tears then broke when he read the conclusions regarding his psychological condition from the post-mortem results carried out at Mitra Keluarga Hospital, Jakarta.

"Patients, that's me, are filled with suspicion and alertness. He feels that other people are trying to control and influence him. Experiencing severe depression accompanied by feelings of great despair and great guilt towards himself and others," he said while sobbing.

He, continued Venna, read the conclusions of psychological conditions based on the results of the post-mortem, also experienced great anxiety.

"It's nervous, tense, nervous and causes discomfort. This makes him not excited about his activities. Losing his appetite, weight, sleep feels disturbed, especially at the beginning of the incident," he said in a week.

Venna admitted that at this time she could not carry out normal activities because her ribs still hurt.

"Medially, that is evidence of psychological violence he is experiencing now," said Hotman Paris Hutapea, Venna Melinda's attorney, underscoring the conclusion of the post-mortem results.

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