
YOGYAKARTA - A pregnancy program that has proven successful is a dream for couples who wish to have offspring. Various methods are even carried out so that the pregnancy program runs optimally. Then, what needs to be carried out by a married couple so that the pregnancy program is successful?

Living a pregnancy program is one of the ideals for a couple who longs for the appearance of a baby. For the sake of the emergence of the fruit of love, various methods are implemented so that the planned pregnancy program is successful. Here are tips that you can try with your partner.

Frequency of having sex

The frequency of having sex also needs to be seen so that the pregnancy program that is carried out bears fruit. Regular husband and wife relationships can be done 2-3 times a week. This is good to help increase pregnancy opportunities.

But it's worth looking at, it's not recommended to have a husband and wife relationship every day. This can actually make the water quality of the manifold decrease. If that happens then there will be little chance of pregnancy.

Avoid using contraceptives

One of the key promil that seems successful is to avoid using any contraceptives when carrying out sexual relations. This is because using contraceptives such as condoms or various KB variations can prevent partners from having offspring.

If you are empowered, the KB pill can help the congret pregnancy program, KB can actually create hormone levels of progesterone and estrogen experience inequality. This can reduce the chance of pregnancy so as to prevent a couple from having children.

Consumption of folic acid

As is well known, folic acid is a supplement that is needed before, when undergoing a pregnancy program, until after giving birth. Folic acid is a synthetic form of vitamin B9 (naturally made from folate). The stress, folic acid is found in supplements from food.

Folic acid is efficacious not only for women but also for men who plan pregnancy programs. Except for increasing fertility, increasing the growth and development of babies in the womb, preventing preeclampsia, preventing baby birth defects, to reducing the risk of miscarriage and premature birth of babies.

Consumption of healthy food

One of the systems for promil that turns out to be successful is consuming healthy foods. Consumption of healthy foods rich in nutrition can compile resources for your body. Foods recommended in one plate include carbohydrate, fiber, and protein content. The three types of food are good for health and can increase fertility.

Various Pregnancy Programs

Usually, in Indonesia itself, there are 2 alternative types of pregnancy programs, namely natural pregnancy and pregnancy with assisted technology. The natural pregnancy program is a pregnancy program that can be run by married couples when the water and egg are in a maximum condition and there are no sexual disorders.

Meanwhile, there are 2 technology-assisted pregnant programs in Indonesia, namely, intrauterine insemination (IUI) and IVF. The development of reproductive technology to help in Indonesia began in 1988 for couples who have certain medical reasons.

So after knowing the proven successful promotion, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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