
JAKARTA - Venna Melinda conducted therapy to cure her health condition after becoming a victim of domestic violence (KDRT) by her husband, Ferry Irawan. Now she is starting to open up and share her daily life through social media.

"Alhamdullilah, the first treatment went smoothly," wrote Venna Melinda via Instagram.

In the short video uploaded, Venna is seen practicing writing repeatedly. He also occasionally draws on paper assisted by professional staff.

This is Venna Melinda's second upload on social media. Previously, he shared his gratitude to his family and the public who supported him through the most tense incident in his life.

"Assalamualaikum. Thank you very much for all who always pray for me to get through this difficult time," wrote Venna Melinda.

"Thank God, because of the help of Allah SWT, I was able to survive a very tense incident during my life," he continued.

Venna Melinda is also determined to continue the domestic violence report that she reported first to the police. Then he will file for an official divorce from Ferry, regardless of the existing rejection from his husband.

"God willing, in the near future, I will file for my divorce at the Religious Court and remain patient in facing the domestic violence legal process that befell me. Please always pray and support me," he concluded.

Ferry Irawan was named a suspect on Monday, January 19 after evidence was confirmed as a form of domestic violence against Venna Melinda. On the same day, Ferry's family denied that there was no big commotion between the two.

Previously, Venna Melinda reported the domestic violence from Ferry Irawan after the two made a fuss at a hotel in Kediri on Sunday, January 8. The fight started with Ferry's request which was not fulfilled by Venna and jealousy.

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