
Sharia Kurma is a sweet drink and delicious drink obtained from dates that are often found in Arabic pollution. So what are the benefits of date juice?

This is one of the most popular drinks in the world. You could even say the most popular; because almost everyone who has lived in West Africa, Central Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, and Arabia can tell you something about it. Especially sweet.

However, what many believe is unknown to the public is the tremendous health benefits of this frequently destroyed fruit.

Sari Kurma has the ability to fight cancer

While this may sound hard to believe, it's true. Sari Kurma contains riboflavin, also known as Vitamin B2.

Riboflavin is an antioxidant that helps fight some cancer-causing agents called free radicals. Consumption of fresh kurma juice in moderate quantities is enough to bless the body with the right amount of Vitamin B2.

Sari Kurma increases vision

Sari Kurma contains antioxidants, Vitamin C. And Vitamin C, on the other hand, helps maintain eye health.

In addition, it contains Vitamin B1 (tiamin), which also helps improve our vision.

"This is why until now it is still debated that our grandparents in the village have better vision than us because kurma juice is their drink."

Sari Kurma helps maintain skin health, hair, and nails

Sari Kurma is a proud carrier of iron and vitamin B complex. And iron and vitamin B is needed for the health of the skin, hair, and nails.

Also Iron is very useful for the development, growth, and function of some cells in our bodies. This is why date juice is very helpful in promoting wound healing. Therefore repairing tissue and encouraging the growth of healthy cells.

Sari Kurma reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease

Research shows that heart failure, which is an example of cardiovascular disease, can be regulated by drinking moderate amounts of kurrete juice. The study was conducted by Lindberg and Ezra in 2008.

In addition, potassium contained in kurma juice has been shown to improve heart health and reduce hypertension.

However, excessive consumption of kurma juice has a bad effect such as damaging the liver.

It promotes lactation

In countries such as Cameroon, Ghana, and Nigeria, kurma juice helps breastfeeding mothers when milk production is limited. This is very effective, and works like magic.

Penawet dan pemanis mendistorsi orisinality anggur; oleh karena itu membuatnya tidak baik untuk kesehatan kita.

Also, like every other thing that is consumed excessively, date juice can also have a negative effect.

Here are some of the negative impacts of consuming excessive kurma juice

In conclusion, try your best to avoid excessive fermentation of date juice, because it is detrimental to health. Sari fermented dates are like rotten fruit. Only in rare cases can they be said to be useful.

If we have to consume date juice because of its sweetness and various health benefits, then we must be busy with fresh date juice.

So after knowing the benefits of date juice, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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