
JAKARTA - For a long time not appearing on the small screen did not make Usnan Batubara or better known as Ucok Baba stage lost his mind. In order to increase his income, the 51-year-old man was willing to sell lato lato.

Through his YouTube channel which has 3.1 million subscribers, Ucok Baba uploads a 21-minute video with the title JOB SHOOTING SEPI??.

"What is called we are looking for money, anything we can do. The important thing is that we have to be creative, never we complain. Everything we make money for," said Ucok Baba in the video.

In the video, Ucok peddles lato and other children's toys on the side of the road in a housing complex.

Shortly after opening his stall, a group of children approached Ucok Baba and bought a lato lato. The man who has been active in the entertainment world in the country since the 1990s has also agreed to play lato lato with these children.

Mebjelang tuap hari, Ucok menutup lapaknya. "Udah mau magrib, tutup dulu. Alhamdulillah hari ini lancar. Kalau kita turun-kerjain, sustenance akan mengalir," ujarnya.

Hingga artikel ini ditulis, video Ucok Baba menjajakan lato lato sudah ditonton lebih dari 273 ribu kali.

This is exemplary for all of us, content that is very educational and life needs an extraordinary struggle, bro ucok. It seems like in the field of the agricultural complex, swerved for the sake of the family, proud to salute Bang Ucok Baba. "May you always be healthy, Bang Ucok," wrote a netizen.

"Always entertain Bang Ucok, hopefully he will always be healthy and smooth and continue with his business," commented another netizen.

"I really salute Om Ucok, even though Om Ucok is quite capable, he has never been a prestige for selling and eating at warteg. I hope Om Ucok is always healthy," said the netizen.

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