
YOGYAKARTA After an investigation, Ferry Irawan was named a suspect in the domestic violence against his wife, Venna Melinda, today, Thursday, January 12. This domestic violence incident is not easy for Venna Melinda and her sons, Verrell Bramasta and Athala Naufal.

Through social media, the two sons of the winner of the 1994 Puteri Indonesia beauty pageant admitted that she was devastated to see the condition of her mother. The following is a portrait of the gentle Verrell Bramasta and Athalla Naufal who gave support to Venna Melinda.

Verrell wrote a statement relating to the violent incident experienced by his mother. He wrote, It breaks my heart to see you like this. Whatever happens in live, I will be here for you ma.. no matter what."

The statement intends to protect and accompany his mother in any condition. He admitted that his heart was broken to see Venna experiencing domestic violence. The 26-year-old man, Venna Melinda Bruglia's eldest son, was forced to return from his vacation in Japan because he received news that his mother had domestic violence. Through the portrait above, Verrell gently kissed her mother's forehead.

Even with Venna's second son, Athalla Naufal, has accompanied her mother since she was in the hospital. Short but firm message, "he wrote always here for you.

Venna Melinda's two sons will accompany the process her mother went through. This afternoon, Venna Melinda was accompanied by her two sons to the East Java Regional Police. Hotman Paris as her lawyer said that Venna's domestic violence had not only been experienced in Kediri but since three months ago.

Verrell and Athalla often spend quality time with their mother, Venna Melinda. Including when on vacation and celebrating important days, such as the portrait that Verrel uploaded on his birthday last September.

Athalla also shared moments with Venna Melinda on Disney Land, Hong Kong, last December. Along with the upload of the portrait above, Athalla had carried the woman who gave birth. To the extent that netizens gave comments, "It's a shame for her mother,,,, treat your mother like a king, your sustenance will be like kings."

Upload via InstagramStory, Athalla supports Mama Venna Melinda. The short broadcast video is given the caption 'Later we will take a vacation again.'

The portrait of the three palms above is a screenshot of IGstory Athalla. Today is the day Venna Melinda testified at the East Java Regional Police. Verrell also gave support to his mother through uploading a short video from childhood to adulthood with Venna Melinda.

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