
JAKARTA - Karenina Anderson continues to move. Departing from the model world, he spread the love to the big screen. Being busy as a mother is not the barrier to moving forward.

"Usia is not an obstacle. It's just a limit you put on your mind", a well-known quote from the United States athlete who won 3 Olympic gold medals, Jackie Joyner-Kersee, is perfect for describing Karenina Maria Anderson's career journey, Indonesian actress and model.

At the age of four on February 28, 2023, Karenina is still active in the entertainment world in the country, both as a model and actress. Her success in continuing to exist deserves appreciation, considering that Karenina has started her career since 1996, when she was 13 years old.

Karenina started her career as a teenager model, which then began to explore the world of action in 2006 through the film Jobol, which also stars Chriatian Sugiono, Dennis Adhiswara, Rizky Hanggono and Ringgo Agus Rahman.

Most recently, Karenina starred in a horror genre film directed by Sonu Samtani, Alena Anak Ratu Devil. Karenina herself had a strong reason before deciding to accept the offer to act in her first horror film.

"Incidentally I'm a horror lover. Every night before going to bed, I watch horror first and then I can sleep. So I really like horror. And coincidentally when I was offered to play the role of the queen of the devil, when I read the script, it turned out to be really suitable for me," he said when he visited VOI some time ago.

The queen of the devil, played by Karenina, has her own character. Not only is she required to present a evil and cruel figure, the actress is also required to display another side of the elegant queen of the devil.

He called the uniqueness of the character of the queen of the devil that made him not think long about accepting the offer to play. "We would not have thought that she turned out to be the queen of the devil. It was a very challenge, how can I present the antagonist of the queen of the devil in a beautiful and elegant way," he said.

To look beautiful and elegant, Karenina's decades of ability to be in the modeling world is certainly not in doubt. The reason is, these two things have the status of the top model in the country to date.

Being a model since she was in junior high school, Karenina has gone through various changes. So my career has experienced various kinds of metamorphos, starting to become a model for teenage magazines to bazaar magazines and so on, I have done everything. I have made fashion shows for all designers," he said.

Even so, Karenina doesn't seem to want to quit the world that made her name. He thinks it is the modeling world that keeps him alive to this day.

"I am very grateful to the modeling world for raising my name, which has given me many opportunities so that I can still work in this 39-year-old world," he said.

Even though I was in a vacuum to live my personal life, to get married, have children and so on. But when I came back, the people and the world that had raised me were happy to invite me again and happy to see my development," he continued.

In her modeling career going forward, Karenina also brings on a big mission, she wants to break the stigma that only young women deserve to be a model. Over time, Karenina wants to be a repreanetation of another woman her age.

"I still want to break a stigma in Indonesia that a person can only be a model until a certain age. I don't think it's like that, because all women need repenecation," he said.

There is not only one kind of woman in this world. Not only tenants (regents), 20s and 30s, even those in their 40s to 70s need representation," he continued.

Seeing the world of modeling in the country, Karenina is also optimistic about the mission she wants to carry. According to him, the more variety and representations that are displayed, the less like before where a model is required to be young and slim.

Karenina explained that the world of country modeling is currently also filled with athletes and middle-aged models.

Young women, middle-aged women, even women in their 70s also need representation. We are all beautiful with our respective styles. And we will be very proud if we look at magazines or social media, then it's like 'oh, there's a face like me'. So, I want to be a model like that," he said.

With confidence, Karenina also expressed her desire to continue to be a representative of women her age. "Even until 70 years old I want to continue working. I want to show the woman there is no expired date," he said.

The mission that Karenina wants to bring is certainly impossible to realize without a persistent and consistent effort. The body, which is the main capital as a model, must of course be maintained.

For this reason, Karenina has a principle that she has always applied from a young age. What is certain is that number one is the intention that we want to be the best of our own version. After that intention arises, without being told we will do things that are Benefitial to ourselves, namely we take care of our bodies, eat properly and exercise regularly," he explained.

It doesn't stop there, psychological aspects and spirituality are also important things that must be considered. And what is no less important is inner beauty. So from within, we must always think positively, don't think too much and stress a lot," he said.

"Because in this life we don't know what will happen tomorrow. Then let it pass, don't be a burden. We live today, so today we have to maximize it to get a brighter future," he added.

Despite having a great desire to keep her career, Karenina does not want to forget her duties as a wife and mother. Often vacuumed several times during her career, Karenina said that she had mobilized to carry out her duties.

For Karenina, there is a very close connection between her duties as a wife and mother with her career as a model and actress. Number one, the most important thing is the family. Personal life is above all, because if we are happy in a personal life, we will automatically be brought to work," she said.

For her children, Karenina also explained the work she has been doing so far. "So the children are given the understanding that mom is someone who likes to be creative, fun working. That's also one of the things I instilled in my child, that doesn't mean I'm a mother and I'm a wife, I stop being myself," she said.

Karenina wants the value that she gets as a parent and also a public figure can be imitated by her child. And one of the things I instilled in my children, we must continue to work hard at any time. It doesn't mean I already have a child and my husband keeps saying I'm lazy to work," she said.

"Of course it is very noble to take care of the family, but we must also give ourselves what we love the most. So we have to prepare one space in ourselves to do the things we love," he continued.

Karenina also often goes on vacation with her family. According to him, going on vacation to a place that has never been visited before makes him have more perspectives in seeing life.

"With the streets, we can see that in the world people live in different ways. So we can be more humble, we can be more grateful for our lives," he concluded.

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