
JAKARTA - Drisha Wijayanka Idris or better known as Sheza Idris gave birth to her second child on January 5 yesterday. The youngest son of the 34-year-old actress was named Maliki Zahir Ibrahim.

"Alhamdulillah, on January 5 yesterday, after the dzuhur call, at 12.09 I gave birth to my second child," said Sheza Idris to the media crew at Brawijaya Hospital Antasari, South Jakarta on Sunday, January 8.

Unlike when she gave birth to Adreena Aisyah in 2018, Sheza admitted that the delivery process this time was more painful. "The guy's son was sick when he gave birth," she said.

"If it's a girl, it hurts like menstruation, but if it's a boy, it's really different, it's a lot more sick," he continued.

However, Sheza still enjoys and is grateful for the second delivery process. For him, this is part of the sacrifice and struggle of a mother.

Even Sheza and her husband, Surya Ibrahim, still plan to add children. "Some men or women are not, we are still grateful for whatever he gives us. Now there are also male and female children," he explained.

Sheza also revealed that her son was born healthy and perfect. Maliki was born with a height of 50.5 cm and weighed 3.2 kg.

The name of the child, Maliki Zuhir Ibrahim himself has the good meaning and prayers of both parents. "Hopefully it can be like Imam Malik, if Zahir means brilliant and Ibrahim is my (backward) name," said Surya Ibrahim.

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