
JAKARTA - Gisella Anastasia or better known as Gisel has remained in the Indonesian entertainment industry in the last 14 years. He faced a big problem with toughness. At the beginning of 2023, Gisel was ready to return to show acting through the horror film Anak Titipan Setan.

This film is a comeback for Gisel after 3 years of never appearing in a film or series. The film, directed by and screenwriter Erwin Arnada, made him confident to return to acting.

"It's been 3 years of vacuum and now back again, the excitement feels really good. I really never feel enough, especially the things I feel I have to learn about. This film is an opportunity for me to add acting knowledge, especially since this film is a horror genre, which I have never played before," said Gisel during a visit to the VOI office some time ago.

In his first horror film, Gisel plays the role of Putri, a child and young mother. Gisel feels he can empathize with the characters he plays. The reason is, he also has the same status as Putri's character.

However, Gisel did not deny that he also had time to ask questions about the quality of his acting in the film. "But if I'm nervous, it's for sure. Having scanning myself is also like 'this can or can't be, I meet the expectations of directors and other people'. But yes, that's what makes me dig more and also wonder so that it can produce acting that can be received well," he said.

Gisel feels grateful to be able to take part in the film Anak Titipan Setan. During the shooting process, he learned many things that he had never experienced before. Playing in a horror film, Gisel is required to give the appropriate portion of acting, starting from gestures, expressions, voices that are issued when he is afraid.

In addition, the shooting process which was mostly done outdoors became another interesting thing that challenged Gisel. Moreover, most of the scenes were done at night.

From the whole shooting process, Gisel admitted that he was very impressed with one of the scenes that required him to play. "There is one long scene that Mas Erwin just directs on the spot, it's not in the script. There Gisel must join in to play him. Luckily, there are many players who really support extraordinary things. So his acting can be better," he said.

Even though he has acted several times, Gisel feels that every role he plays is a new experience. This is different from his experience while singing, which he has been working on recently since he was 6 years old, when he was still living in Surabaya with his parents.

Gisel also shared his experience when he first appeared in the Indonesian music industry, which was very different when he entered the world of acting. "If I sing, I've done it from the age of 6 in Surabaya. When I participated in a talent search event in Jakarta, it was really formed again, but I'm used to it. But if (acting) it's a new thing whose work intensity is not too much and often," he said.

While acting, Gisel felt he had to perform more totally, and needed extra effort to learn more to present better acting.

However, Gisel still enjoys his time acting. For him, living something new is part of an effort to become a better entertainer. Gisel also did not deny that he hoped to get more offers to act after undergoing the entire shooting process of the 'Child of Devils'.

However, Gisel's desire to get more acting offers does not mean that he has left the whole world of singing. Long time no singing, Gisel admitted that he missed to return to work.

Because I've been missing for a long time, I haven't sung for a long time. It's a bit of a pandemic cut too, so it's not really nice if all this time I've been too relaxed following the flow. Yes, after this, a new goal will be set up for sure. Hopefully in singing there will be new works again," said Gisel.

Gisel also talked about Gempita Noura Marten, her only child with her ex-husband, Gading Marten. As the daughter of a pair of entertainers, Gisel sees Gempi also has strong artistic blood. However, the child's interest in entering the entertainment industry is not too visible.

So far, Gisel has always tried to facilitate Gempi's desire to be artistic. "If he really wants to sing or play the piano, then I will call the teacher," he said.

However, the age of Gempi, who is still 7 years old, is quite difficult to focus on. Gisel admitted that he often had difficulties when he ordered his son to train, until finally Gempi was included in a competition.

"Incidentally, after navigating several wars because if you tell him to practice, it is very difficult, the teacher is busy with Gempi to participate in the competition, so he wants to learn," he said.

"It's true, when he was introduced to the competition at all, he became more competitive. When he was ranked 6th in the competition, he was happy but was not satisfied too. When he saw the other champion, he told me ma, do you know, the one who won 1 was training at home, the song was repeated 40 times a day. Since then he became his own practice without being asked," he continued.

Gisel saw a good impact on Gempi when his son started competing. In 2023, Gempi will also compete again, on a larger scale.

"In 2023, he will also participate in a wider competition. So again, his enthusiasm is to learn from his teacher," he explained.

Gisel imagines if one day he can collaborate with Gempi. "Actually, it's really funny if I can collab. I'll just return it when Gempi wants it. I don't want to force it, but if I give it. Just be persuasive parents. If there is good material, it's right and suitable, I imagine the collab and Gempi will be funny," he said.

Gisel sees his role as an artist as well as a mother as a gift in itself. Although he does not deny that living it simultaneously is not an easy thing, he feels it is a challenge that must be enjoyed.

"Yes, it's a challenge, because being a parent is a life learning process, especially if there is work too. But yes, it's been enjoyed, because fortunately I have an extraordinary support system, if I can't hold Gempi directly. But after all, the control is from me too," he said.

For Gisel, being a good parent cannot be separated from the desire to continue learning. But what is called a mother, I feel like that's less time. Often clashes with conscience. Like sometimes, once a month, you can allow it if the case is like that. But yes try to be grateful, just try to do my best, which we can and learn from all the processes," he said.[ / read_more]

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