
YOGYAKARTA Lungs are organs that can clean themselves. After being exposed to pollutants, organs related to this breathing need to be supported to stay healthy. One of them is by getting used to certain habits that are useful for cleaning the lungs. What can be done? Here's the full explanation.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), exposure to air pollution results in 4.2 million deaths worldwide each year. To ensure health and avoid the effects of harmful toxins, such as cigarette smoke and air pollution, here are natural ways to clean the lungs.

Hot baths either with a heater or in a bath-up allow for the inhale of steam that helps people breathe more easily. This method is a method of vapor therapy. Steam, adds warmth and moisture to the air. So that it can increase breathing and natural ways of removing phlegm in the lungs.

There are a number of ways to do postural drainage. This method involves a different lying position to remove mucus from the lungs. This practice can be useful for boosting breathing and helping to obeti or prevent lung infection.

The movement that can be done, first lie on the floor or bed and place a pillow under the hip. Make sure the chest's position is lower than the hip. Then take a slowly breath through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Each breath, must be longer than when inhaling. Continue this technique for a few minutes.

Regular exercise can not only improve people's physical and mental health and reduce the risk of various health conditions, but can also help a person maintain his lung health. Launching Medical News Today, Tuesday, January 3, exercise forces muscles to work harder. The effect increases the body's respiratory rate and produces a larger supply of oxygen. In addition to increasing circulation so that the body is more efficient in disposing of carbon dioxide while exercising.

Based on research published in the 2017 American society for Nutrition, it was found that people who regularly drink twice as much green tea minimize chronic obstructive or lung disease. Green tea, contains a lot of antioxidants that help reduce inflammation of the lungs. This compound, protects lung tissue from the effects of inhaling smoke.

The respiratory tract can make it difficult to breathe and cause the chest to feel heavy and congested. Consuming anti-inflammatory foods can reduce inflammation to relieve these symptoms. Foods that help fight inflammation include turmeric, green leafy vegetables, cherries, blubery, olives, walnuts, nuts, and nuts.

Those are the five ways to clean your lungs. Is there a habit above that you routinely do?

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