
Waterways are dark green leafy plants that grow in natural springs. Historically, people have used watercress as decoration. However, now its popularity is increasing as one of the newest super foods. Then, what are the benefits of watercress?

Waterways are ancient green plants that may be the staple food of the Roman army. It is also a member of the crossover family, along with kale, broccoli, arubula, and Brussel cabbage.

Its newly discovered popularity is partly due to increased awareness of its dense nutritional content.

In this article, it will explain the benefits of watercress, provide details of its nutrients, and clarify its potential health risks for certain individuals.

This discussion also provides ideas to help people put more watercress into your diet.

Increase your arms

The rich water cell will be lutein and zeaxanthin; these are caroteneoids with antioxidant properties. According to research, these two caroteneoids are important components for eye health. They are the main pigments found at yellow dots, which protect maculars from damage by blue light, improve visual sharpness, and characterize dangerous reactive oxygen species. In addition, they help reduce the risk of macular degeneracy of age (AMD) and dwarfs.

Lutein and zeaxanthin also show efficacy that helps reduce the risk of developing macular degeneracies related to age and catatrics. In addition, the vitamin C content in watercress also helps reduce the chance of being exposed to cataracts.

Increase Immunity

The water supply contains very high amounts of vitamin C. The water supply contains up to 15 mg of vitamin C per cup, about 20% of the recommended daily intake (RDI). Several studies show that vitamin C is a micronutrient that supports various cellular functions of the immune system. In addition, it helps skin barriers against pathogens.

Vitamin C also acts as an antioxidants and helps reduce oxidative stress. Oxidative stress by free radicals bind free-flowing oxygen in the body and prevent healthy cells from getting fresh oxygen. Antioxidants remove this free radical and prevent oxidative stress.

Protect Against Osteoporosis

Some of the important minerals needed for bone health are calcium, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Calcium is a building block for the entire skeleton structure. However, vitamin K and potassium also play an important role in maintaining bone health.

Vitamin K is part of a protein called osteocalsin, which composes bone tissue and regulates bone change. According to a study, people with the highest vitamin K intake were 35% less likely to experience a hip fracture than people with poor vitamin K intake.

Lowering Cholesterol Level

One of the many benefits of watercress is to help reduce cholesterol levels. Putting watercress on your diet can significantly reduce triglyceride levels. High triglyceride levels are responsible for increased cholesterol.

According to research, watercress also reduces low density lipoprotein (LDL), which is bad cholesterol and increases high density lipoprotein (HDL), good cholesterol.

Lowering Blood Pressure

Like other leafy vegetables, watercress contains natural food nitrates. Nitrit oxides are an important compound in regulating the function of blood vessels. A study shows that people who consume nitrate supplements or nitrate-intensive foods have low blood pressure, suggesting that nitrates can control hypertension positively.

The water supply is also rich in potassium which can help lower blood pressure by balancing the effects of sodium. It also relaxes the walls of blood vessels and allows easy blood flow without barriers or cramps.

Helps Lowered Body Weight

Water supply is one of the most nutrient-intensive foods. It has benefits for weight management and weight loss as well. One cup of watercress has minimal calories but is full of essential nutrients such as vitamins and micronutrients. Low-calorie vegetables are very effective at losing weight, and you should add them to your diet. The water supply is also very versatile, making it easy to put it into your regular cooking.

Promoting Healthy Pregnancy

Cells of water are rich in folate. According to research, this is an important nutrient for pregnant women. Folate ensures healthy fetal or embryo development. Lack of folate can cause abnormalities in the fetus and even cause complications for mothers. Having a diet rich in folates can also reduce the chance of developing anemia.

The Nutrition Value of the Water Selawesi

One hundred grams of watercress contains:

Kalori: 11kKal

Fat: 0.1g

Carbohydrates: 1g

Protein: 2.3g

Calcium: 120mg

Kalium: 330mg

Magnesium: 21mg

Iron: 0.2 mg

Sodium: 41mg

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