
YOGYAKARTA How to provoke contractions so that delivery quickly must be known by every pregnant woman, especially if the age of the fetus is approaching the Estimated Birth Day (HPL).

Originally, HPL was calculated with a benchmark of 40 weeks However, many women gave birth to healthy babies 2 weeks before HPL. However, pregnant women are advised to wait up to at least 39 weeks to give birth.

According to a study conducted in 2011, 201 women who had just given birth to a baby were surveyed about inducing childbirth at home. Of these women, 50 percent have tried natural methods to start childbirth.

Well, if your pregnancy age is approaching HPL, here's how to provoke contractions so that the delivery process runs smoothly.

Quoted by VOI from Healthline, Saturday, December 24, 2022, here are how to naturally provoke contractions to get pregnant quickly:

1. Light Sports

Light exercise such as walking can train the heart, relieve stress and improve physical readiness of pregnant women.

In addition, light walking can help increase pressure on the cervicals and encourage the baby to descend to the pelvic.

2. Sexually Relations

Theoretically, there are several reasons why sex can trigger childbirth.

For example, sexual activity, especially when an orgasm, can release oxytocin, which can help trigger contraction of the uterus.

In addition, for pregnant women who have sex, there is the hormone prostaglandin in sperm which may help finalize cervicals.

Having safe sex during pregnancy last week, but you shouldn't have sex after breaking up. It can increase the risk of infection.

3. Stimulates Puting

Stimulates your nipples can cause your uterus to contract and can cause childbirth.

Point stimulation can increase the production of oxytocin. Oxytocin is a hormone that causes the uterus to contract and the breast to emit milk.

Related to this, you or your partner can manually stimulate your nipples, or you can try using a breast pump.

According to research, breast stimulation can be an effective way to:

4. Acupuncture

Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years. In Chinese treatment, acupuncture is believed to balance the chi or vital energy in the body. It may also stimulate hormonal or nervous system changes.

Acupuncture should be given only by licensed acupuncture experts. According to research, the main benefit of acupuncture is the increase in cervical maturation.

5. Acupressure

Some practitioners believe that acupressures can help start childbirth. Before applying the acupressure to yourself, make sure you get the right instructions from the acupressure expert.

Acupresur itself is a traditional medicine technique from China. This method is similar to acupuncture, but does not use needles.

If aduction does not succeed in increasing contraction, this method can be the best way to suppress pain and discomfort during the delivery process.

6. Consumption of Distance Oil

Consumption of about 30-60 ml of oil can stimulate the release of prostaglandin which can help finalize cervicals and start childbirth.

It should be done under the supervision of a midwife or doctor. People should be careful not to drink too much.

7. Consumption of dates

Several studies show that eating dates in the last weeks of pregnancy can increase cervical maturation and widen cervix during childbirth.

Consumption of dates before delivery also reduces the possibility of using Pitocin (induction of childbirth).

That's information about how to provoke contractions to give birth quickly. Don't forget to consult a doctor first before applying a natural method of inducing childbirth.

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