
YOGYAKARTA Mental fatigue is a very tired feeling characterized by other feelings, such as apathy, cynical, and irritability. Mental and emotional fatigue only comes from excessive mental stress. A person who experiences it, has experienced a long period of stress or intense emotions. What are the causes of mental fatigue?

Mental fatigue can trigger a parasymptical nervous system that causes feelings of panic, anxiety, and worry. Symptoms, such as feeling cynical, empty, less focused, and desperate. To overcome this, identify the following things that can cause mental fatigue.

This is the most common cause of mental fatigue. Launching BetterUp, Thursday, December 22, chronic stress makes your brain and body alert all the time. Over time, this is starting to damage your well-being. In addition, chronic stress also causes empathy fatigue or compassion. Thus, a person who experiences it finds it difficult to gather emotional responses to persistent tensions.

Human stress responses are designed to work efficiently in dealing with stress, both long-term and short-term. This response is known as a fight-or-flight that is less effective in responding to persistent uncertainty. This uncertainty requires based on reality to make it more understood and responded to realisticly. Otherwise, it can trigger mental fatigue.

Stress in the workplace can occur in various forms. This can arise from mismatches in value, difficulties in managing tasks and priorities, or risks and job demands that are too high. In carrying out work, a person needs processing and understanding of information.

Because it is impossible to leave work, a person needs to set the time right. Sometimes, it takes healing or going to release pressure. Not infrequently, it only takes a while to rest or enjoy a weekend with family.

Some things make a person more stressed, especially when it comes to family members. For example, raising children, having relatives who are sick, or accompanying the elderly. Although all of this can cause mental fatigue, it is necessary to realize it as a responsibility that needs to be relaxed. Even if you are mentally healthy, it still takes time off, for example with self-love, self-care, or taking care of yourself in the midst of completing responsibilities.

Apart from being committed to work and commitment in relationships, one has other obligations. Like balancing one's priorities with another, completing a job. All of that, if not regulated will make you feel never 'holiday'. It can also be a cause of mental fatigue.

There are dozens of things that cause emotional stress. Continuous feelings, events, and negative circumstances can make it difficult for you to relax. These emotional stress can quickly cause mental fatigue.

Without fuel, you will not be able to travel long distances. While self-care is likened to fuel to travel or your life goals. So, don't miss it to take good care of yourself to be more resilient in dealing with stressful situations.

After knowing the cause of mental fatigue above, what are your plans to fill out the weekend? Efforts to undergo relaxing activities. Or you can pursue hobbies to chat with family at home.

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