
JAKARTA - A distended stomach is a health problem that must be watched out for, because it can cause other disorders in the body. This condition occurs due to the buildup of visceral fats, unhealthy fats that surround the liver and other organs in the stomach.

The more visceral fat buildup, the higher the risk of developing metabolic syndrome, diabetes, heart disease, and so on. The good news is, this risk can be prevented by changing lifestyles and avoiding certain foods.

So, what foods should be avoided? Launching the Eat This page, Not That, Thursday, December 22, the following is a list of food.

Consumption of foods with high glycemic index such as▁pulas in the morning can cause a spike in insulin levels in the body. If insulin increases, you will feel less energized two hours later after eating. When you feel lack of energy, you certainly don't want to exercise and there is a desire to eat high-calorie fast foods to get a burst of energy quickly.

The roller air effect produced by a person's blood sugar levels leads to higher calorie intake and lower levels of exercise so that this is the perfect way for the production of visceral fats.

Cold coffee of course tastes delicious. But if consumed too often, it can have bad health consequences. Coffee frozen or coffee ice contains a lot of calories, so that if you drink frequently it can lead to an increase in visceral fat, a type of interior fat stored around the organ.

"Raffination sugar and empty calories in cakes and pastries cause insulin resistance, a buildup of visceral fats, and excess weight," Mescher-Cox notes. Bribes, cakes, and pastries are usually high in calories, processed grains, and fats are saturated and slightly fibered. The side effects of consuming this food are not only visceral fat but can increase cholesterol levels, including LDL cholesterol.

processed meat, such as sausages, ham, deli meat, and red meat such as beef, especially high-fat pieces such as ribeye, have been associated with visceral fats in various studies. In a 2020 study, higher meat intake is generally associated with more visceral fats, especially in women over 45 years of age.

A 2020 study shows that additional sugar intake is associated with visceral fats that surround the heart organ. Then, another study that examines adolescents with excess weight found that more intake of fat and fried foods is associated with accumulated fats around the liver. Meanwhile, higher sugar intake is related to the increase in visceral fats in the stomach.

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