
Sara Fajira is one of the actresses who will play in the film Baby Ajaib which will air on January 19, 2023. Playing Sumi, Sara plays the wife of Kosim, played by Vino G Bastian. Even though he has played in horror films several times, the singer of the song ‘Lathi’ has experienced many things in the mystical while filming the Magic Baby. “ Every shooting has a unique experience. Almost beautiful, ” Sara Fajira said after a press conference in the Pancoran area, South Jakarta on Wednesday, December 21. This was confirmed by Vino G Bastian's confession who was also on set when Sara was almost possessed. “ Had seen Sara Fajira in several scenes suddenly feeling weak. When I asked, it turned out that Sara was quite sensitive to things like that, "said Vino G Bastian. Although it didn't have too much impact, Sara's experience on set was often carried to her place of residence. “ Bring a dream for sure. I didn't know this was experienced by other actors, so sometimes I brought a dream, sometimes I didn't. Alhamdulillah, I didn't get rich being followed by that,” said Sara. Sara did not deny that sometimes she felt scared, but did choose to continue to live it while praying and hoping that bad things would not happen. The actress who graduated from the talent search event also admitted that she prefers to act in horror films compared to other genres. “ I can express my dark side more, from her dark, scary, scary side. Anyway, everything is here, so the negative side can be luapin here. Through acting (horor film) I can express my emotions that I am pendam, ” he said. Sara Fajira did not mind if she was dubbed a miss horror. “ If you are nicknamed a miss horror, it doesn't matter, because I happen to be a horror lovers too, ” he concluded.

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