
YOGYAKARTA - The piles of fat on the body are often complained of by women. One of them is fat on the thigh. Soreness can make you feel insecure so that sometimes it disturbs comfort. Many women are looking for ways to remove fat on the thigh.

Fat can accumulate on the thigh because more calories enter the body than burned calories. However, there is no need to worry because there are various ways to remove fat in the thigh naturally or medically.

Fat that accumulates on the thigh can be removed by natural methods. Here are health tips or steps you can take.

The most effective way to remove fat in the thigh is to do regular exercise. The recommended sports are the types of cardio sports, such as jogging, swimming, cycling, and so on.

A number of these activities are effective in getting rid of fat piles on the thighs. In addition, cycling can also increase muscles around the calf and thigh, making the legs look more beautiful.

Not only cardio sports. You can also do some simple exercise that can be done at home, such as squat and lunges. You can also exercise using tools such as leg curls and leg press.

Women usually also try to get rid of fat on the thigh by means of a healthy diet. Diet is done by adopting a healthy lifestyle. You can reduce high intake of calories, such as sweet, fatty, and sundle foods.

Not only reducing the portion of intake of these foods. You can also increase the consumption of foods high in protein, vegetables, and fruit. You also need to pay attention to the body's fluid needs so that you don't lack water and avoid alcoholic drinks.

In addition to using a natural method, you can also remove fat on your thigh medically. To apply this method, you need to consult a doctor. Next, the doctor will provide a medical treatment recommendation.

The method of removing fat in the thigh is done using laser technology. The way it works is to use lasers to produce hot temperatures. These temperatures can destroy fat or disburse fat clumps that accumulate in the body, one of which is the thigh.

You don't need to worry because the scamsure doesn't require anesthesia. Sculpsure processes are also only 25 minutes long. But you need to remember that this non-scattering procedure can cause side effects in the form of bruises andkatans. Don't worry because side effects usually only tend to be fast. To get maximum results, sculpsure requires several therapeutic sessions of about 6-12 weeks.

This method is done by freezing. Coolsculpting is considered effective enough to remove fats the same as fat suction surgery. However, cooling does not require surgery and minimal risk.

Coolsculpting methods can cause side effects, such as bruises, pain, swelling, and tingling. The cooling process only takes about 1 hour and the results can be seen after 3 weeks later.

Zerona is a way to remove fat in the thigh without surgery. This method is done by utilizing laser beams and cold temperatures that can penetrate the pores of the skin.

This process can destroy fat and remove it from the body. This method does not cause side effects in the form of pain. But to get maximum results, you need to do it during several treatments.

Ultrashape is a way to remove fat by utilizing waves to hit the contours of the body. This process functions to reduce fat tissue in the thighs, stomach, hips, and upper arms. However, this method can cause side effects in the form of a little pain and bruises on the body that get treatment.

Those are a number of ways to remove fat in the thigh using a natural and medical method. Fat piles in the stomach can be reduced quickly if you do it regularly. But it's better if you apply a healthy lifestyle, in the form of exercise and diet.

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