
JAKARTA - The end of the year is coming soon. It's time to find a vacation spot to refresh your mind after struggling with work.

Not only Bali, Indonesia has many fun tourist destinations to visit. Want to find a unique place? Check out these five exciting destinations that can be an inspiration, quoted from Pegipegi's official broadcast, Monday.

Pulau Merah Beach, Banyuwangi Here, you can enjoy the beautiful and stunning view of the open sea. One of the attractions is the red sunset panoramic. The Red Island itself has a brick red soil landscape and is located about 50100 meters near the shoreline.

For additional information, December-January is the best time for tourists to see the red sunset on Red Island Beach. In addition, you can surf this beach and camping in the area provided by the management.

To get to Pulau Merah Beach, you must travel by land for about 67 kilometers or 90 minutes from Banyuwangi City. Road access to this area is comfortable and has been equipped with various clear directions to facilitate travel.

If you want to go to Banyuwangi, it's a good idea to use a train. From Jakarta, you can take a series of trains to Surabaya, then continue your journey by selecting a series of trains to Banyuwangi with the aim of Banyuwangi Baru Station.

Wae Rebo Village, East Nusa Tenggara Village, which is located in Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, is often called "The Country Over Clouds from Eastern Indonesia". The natural scene around Wae Rebo is very beautiful with so cool and fresh air. Every morning and evening, this village is shrouded in fog which makes the view of the village extraordinary.

Here, you can see a collection of typical cone-shaped houses called Mbaru Niang. You and other tourists visiting here can stay communally at these typical homes.

If you leave Jakarta, you can first book a Jakarta-Labuan Bajo flight.

You can go to Wae Rebo Village from Labuan Bajo by renting a motorbike or car. The route taken, namely Labuan BajoRuteng with a travel duration of about 511 hours depends on the type of transportation and the chosen route.

King High White Crater Simalungun

If you want a vacation to Medan, go to the High-King White Crater located in Dolok Marawa, Silau Kahean, Simalungun Regency.

The area offers a beautiful combination of white limestone hills with a greenish blue lake.

The lake water comes from the hot springs around the hill. The King's High White Crater presents calm thanks to its very natural nuances and fresh air. Like a hidden paradise, the crater that is in the forest of this tree is also a form of natural history and purity for hundreds of years.

There are three routes that visitors usually take to get to this area. First, the Medan route "Lubuk PakamGalang Purba Airfall High King. Second, the Medan routeLubuk PakamGolok High King. Third, the Masihul route Dolok Category High King.

Bukit Tanarara, East Sumba

Have you ever watched the film Marlina the Killer in the Four Rounds? If so, you must know very well how beautiful the setting of this film is. The main location of the film is in Bukit Tanarara. You will be presented with a very wide stretch of savana and can change color according to changing seasons.

You can sit for a moment at a point and watch the blend of hills that form a very beautiful pattern of unity. Because it is also located at an altitude, you can enjoy the process of the sunrise and sunset.

The location is not that crowded, suitable for those of you who want to calm down with a very different experience. The distance this hill is from East Sumba Regency is about 19 kilometers. Your journey will not be boring because it passes through a stretch of beautiful savana and occasionally meets a herd of animals crossing the road.

To access East Sumba, until now there has been no direct flight. If you leave Jakarta, you can order a Jakarta-Kupang flight. After that, you must order Kupang-Wayapu continued flights.

Pinggan Village, Kintamani If you are tired of visiting mainstream beach destinations in Bali, you can go to Kintamani. There, there is a village that offers the best place to enjoy Bali from a different point of view, namely Pinggan Village. Its location at the height presents a foggy village view with a charming mountain background.

For those of you who are photography enthusiasts and want to hunt for the sunrise, Pinggan Village presents the best sunrise view. Get rid of it at around 05.30 WITA, because usually this beautiful sunrise moment appears starting at 06.00 WITA.

The beauty of the moment is even more beautiful thanks to the dish of mountain fog. If you look down, you will see a rice field area that is so beautiful even though it is wrapped in fog. Therefore, make sure you wear a thick shirt or jacket because the temperature in this village is quite cold, which is around 1618 degrees Celsius. The travel time from Denpasar to Pinggan Village is about 2 hours and 15 minutes of driving.

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